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Talisker 57º North

Spirit of the North

11 3290

@NozinanReview by @Nozinan

23rd Sep 2017


Talisker 57º North
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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I picked up a 1L bottle of this at Ben Gurion airport in March of 2015. At $110 US it was extravagant (but it’s $175.50 CAD for 750 cc in Ontario at the time of writing 2.5 years later) but it was something I was keen to try. As with many of my “to try” whiskies of which I have only one bottle, it was quite a while before I was able to open it. In January I pulled a “@Talexander” (meaning I opened something special near the end of a tasting with heavy hitters (both bottles and drinkers)) when one of my friends mentioned she really liked Talisker and I said… oh, I have a 57 N!

Well, it had to be opened sometime and why not in a setting with people who will appreciate it? But it seems one of them appreciated it a lot. I expect I depleted 300-400 of that bottle that day. My one friend helped herself to 2 large glasses. When her Uber ride arrived I asked her if she wanted a sample vial (to save the rest) and she was very thankful. When I arrived with a 2 oz bottle she swallowed the 30-40 cc left in her glass in one go, and poured herself a 2 ounce sample… Oy.

Since that time I’ve shared it with my uncle once and looking back it was last opened in February. It’s just under 2/3 full and has been gassed after each opening.

This expression is reviewed in my usual manner, allowing it to settle after which I take my nosing and tasting notes, followed by the addition of a few drops of water, waiting, then nosing and tasting. I used the standard


Neat – Fresh, fruity, syrupy. touch of peat but well-integrated. Some caramel and cinnamon spice. In the Bourbon glass the alcohol is a lot more prominent but the aromas are the same. Nice nose 22/25

With water – The fruitiness is enhanced. Less pepper, less peat. Maybe less complex but very pleasant. Empty glass retains its freshness. In the bourbon glass the nose is hotter and a little more muddled. (21.5/25)


Neat – Spicy, peppery and sweet on first sip, dry and peppery in the development with a hint of lemon citrus (no pith). No noticeable difference in the bourbon glass. 22/25 Water didn’t seem to affect the taste much, but my attention may have been distracted. It did add some effervescence. (22.5/25)

Finish: Long, astringent, bitter with pepper fading. 22/25 The late development and finish is sweeter and peppery but not bitter with water and time. (23/25)

Balance: Nose and palate complement each other nicely. The flavours themselves are also well-balanced. 23/25

Score: Neat - 89/100 With Water: 90/100

I think this is one of the whiskies that grows in the glass the longer it’s allowed to sit. I’ve been nosing and tasting this for a couple of hours and it’s growing on me more and more.

I hope one day to be able to snag a back-up to this bottle. In the meantime, I've learned a lesson about sharing.

Related Talisker reviews


Hewie commented

It's a shame when you're taken advantage of but, on the plus side, she must owe you! This is one I'm yet to try - I love the standard 10 and this sounds very enticing. Sounds like a bit less peat and or smoke but still got the pepperiness of the 10?

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

I also like the 10 and find this is like the 10 on steroids. Not quite the same but similar profile.

Whether she owes me, hard to say. She went to Scotland and brought back a 25 YO (I think it may have been Talisker), and for me she bought a Talisker water jug.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Victor commented

Air is usually a friend to Talisker 57 Degrees North. The bottle will likely get better with time open.

It is so ironic to me that 57 North is so expensive and hard to get at the LCBO shops, because the Ontario Duty Free shops at the border is where I have gotten almost all of my supplies over the years. I only got a first taste of 57 N from @Pudge72's LCBO Talisker 3-pack in 2011. In the US the Talisker 3-packs all contained the 18 yo in place of 57 North. Back as far as 2012 the LCBO was charging CAN $ 175 for 700 ml about the same time when I made my first stock-up of CAN $ 67 Litre bottles of 57 North at the Ontario Duty Free. That's $ 250 per litre compared to $ 67 per litre. Last time I got some at the border, in 2016, the 57 North was about CAN $ 100-110 per Litre. That is still a very good price.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@Victor Well good to know inflation hasn't affected LCBO prices in this case.

7 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Nozinan, yes, it should only take another 30 years of currency depreciation for that $ 175 LCBO price to be a competitive one.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

That's probably about when I'll need to buy one...

7 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

@Victor I would consider the 18 to be a very worthy substitute.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@Nozinan A certain etiquette needs to be observed when enjoying someone else's expensive whisky. Sounds like your friend might be a bit short in that department. I have one of those Talisker water jugs. Quite inexpensive, but very nice.

7 years ago 0

Frost commented

@Nozinan thank you for the review, another affirmation that this Talisker bottling is a winner.

7 years ago 0

Victor commented

@BlueNote, yes, I make a point of keeping a few Talisker 18s in my stores too. I think of the 18 yo as being for an entirely different mood, however. The 18 for me is for reflection, for contemplation and for the observation of beauty. 57 Degrees North is for me for the big invigouration, the Big Show.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@Victor Sadly, I have never had anything other than a sample of 57 N as I have yet to see it at a reasonable price. I have had one bottle of 18 that I bought at the distillery in 2011 and managed to nurse for almost a year. Been craving more ever since.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@BlueNote I like to make good bottles last too, but doctoring them is not considered appropriate...

7 years ago 0

Georgy commented

I really undervalued this one last year. It does need time to open up, as @Victor says. Delicious stuff! =P

7 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

In my home it will have years to open up, depending on who I serve it to in the future...

7 years ago 0

Mancub commented

@Victor I've yet to try the 57° North, but a friend recently shared one of the last drams of his bottle of Talisker 18 with me, and you're right, it is a beauty. I think Talisker 18 is probably the best whisky I've ever tasted and I wish that we had access to them here in Canada. I saw a bottle while in California earlier this year for $165 and if I knew how good it was then, that's what I would have brought home with me. A superb whisky.

7 years ago 0

Victor commented

@Mancub, I call Talisker 18 yo a "watching the sun set" kind of whisky.

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@Nozinan My wife insists that nurses are the drivers of the health care system.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@BlueNote Not only that, but my wife insists on being the driver of the car as well...

7 years ago 0

MadSingleMalt commented

Talisker 57 is great. And it's artificial scarcity (at least in the US) is a pain. The entirety of my supply comes from a mail order I did from Europe a couple years ago. 700 mL bottles for €53 each.

EDIT: Still available there, but the price is now €58: finedrams.com/talisker-57th-north-whisky.h…

7 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@MadSingleMalt You can get it for about 65 Euros (for export) from the UK retailers. The problem is that shipping overseas is now pricy. When Fine drams first opened they offered free worldwide shipping.

7 years ago 0

MadSingleMalt commented

@Nozinan , yeah, that was the best thing that ever happened in the history of whisky. I squeezed in two orders before they ended that "grand opening" promo—one to test it, and another to stock up!

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan commented

@MadSingleMalt I was able to get some Cask Strength Writer's tears about two years before and about 1/3 the price it was at the LCBO.

7 years ago 0

cricklewood commented

@Nozinan Nice review, I think this is another must try as I love the Talisker profile and the 10 is just a stunning whisky in my book. As for your rapid "evaporation" of the bottle that's kind of sad, some people just don't know how to handle themselves, I've had this happen a few times, thankfully most people aren't like that.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@cricklewood Life lessons...

7 years ago 0

RianC commented

Just seen this on offer for just over £50. I liked the 10 but found it a bit 'hot' - got better with time.

Would it be worth the investment? I'm also debating whether to get the 18 (or both). Be interested to hear peoples' thoughts on these two.


6 years ago 0

Victor commented

@RianC, from the perspective of one living in the USA you are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to purchase Talisker 57 Degrees North. 57 North is not sold in the US. Mine has all been either hand-carried from the UK or purchased in Canada. I cannot speak to your degree of alcohol sensitivity and whether or not that could be a problem for you. I am one who has not found Talisker 10 yo to be "good old consistent Talisker 10". Quite the opposite. I've had Talisker 10 which was all over the place. My one 750 ml bottle of it started very slowly and somewhat "meh" but became good after 7 months open. I've also tasted completely solid and virtuous Talisker 10 yo.

I would not want to be without Talisker 57 Degrees North. It is my go-to Talisker. I have mulitple Litre-size bottles of it on hand. If you get some and it is not immediately together, just give it some air. If it needs more air, give it more air. Eventually it will become excellent.

Talisker 18 is the other OB Talisker of which I maintain a multiple bottle store because it is that good. Talisker 18 yo is what I call, "watching the sun set" whisky. It is beautiful.

If you ever see that Talisker 175th Anniversary Edition floating around, that one is also outstanding, about as good as any Talisker ever made.

I don't buy the Talisker 10 yo because I have found it to be wildly inconsistent. However, if I could not buy one of the three listed above, 57 North, 18 yo, or 175th Anniversary, I would buy the 10 yo.

@RianC, read @MadSingleMalt's review of 57 North and my review of 57 North:



6 years ago 2Who liked this?

RianC commented

@Victor - Thanks! I've had one bottle of the ten and it did improve massively over the eight or nine months it was open. I'm fairly tolerant to alcohol but when it 'nips' in that hot way, it suggests poor distillate to me and I'm not a fan of that - especially when somethings been aged 10 year plus and costs upwards of £30. I've had drams in bars that have been much better so think your assessment of inconsistency is probably spot on.

It does seem like quite a good deal (nearly £20 off o.p.) and has thrown a rather nice spanner into the works. Reviews about both this and the 18 seem very high on Connosr and that says something to me. The 18 I've had my eye on for a while . . .

My plan was to buy Powers 12 and Green Spot with any xmas £££ I'm fortunate to receive and wait until Feb for my birthday to treat myself to the Tal 18; but Green Spot seems sold out everywhere and I know that the T18 doesn't hang around that long either and is reasonably priced given its age and popularity.


6 years ago 0

RianC commented

@Noziiew! - Forgot to say thanks for the great review!

As for the sharing . . . not too sure how I'd of handled that one. Not sure my northern 'tightness' would have allowed a second glass to begin with, never mind that plus a sample! ha wink

6 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@RianC If I had access at the price you quoted I would jump on it.

As to the lesson, I consider it a life lesson learned... I've been at many a gathering of connosrs and I've only rarely seen such behaviour, and never to that degree.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

RianC commented

@Nozinan - Thanks. Well, you've both made me think hard about this one. It seems hard to refuse now . . .

6 years ago 0

MadSingleMalt commented

Quick correction to what @Victor said above: That other review he linked to is by @maltactivist, not me.

...but I have had the Talisker 57N, and it's great great great!

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Victor commented

@MadSingleMalt, thanks for catching that. I intended the one that is there, but I didn't notice that my spell-correct had taken away from writing out "@Maltactivist".

6 years ago 0