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Teeling Ginger Beer Cask


1 080

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

18th Mar 2021


Teeling Ginger Beer Cask
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Last year, in the so called Small Batch Collaboration, a Teeling appeared that had matured and a ginger beer cask, from the London based umbrella Brewing Company. Only 700 bottles were released, so it is hard to come by nowadays. I got my sample from Teeling lover Benny, who else?

OK... this nose is at the least very special. I get mostly citrus lemonade (Fanta Lemon) and crystal sugar, licorice and ginger (doh!). But I cannot for the life of me detect any Teeling. Reminds me more of a barrel aged grappa than of a whiskey. Not really my cuppa.

The mouthfeel is OK, but on the palate this is again not whiskey. Now it seems as if I have a cocktail in my mouth. What is going on here? Very spicy on mostly (what else?) ginger. Next to that some licorice and quinine, pretty spicy. But everything is said and done with that.

The finish is medium long, sweet and sour and reminds me a bit of acid candy.

The ginger is dominant and makes it very hard to evaluate this whiskey. The Teeling DNA is totally unrecognizable.

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