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Teeling Sommelier Selection Margaux Wine Cask

Teeling DNA

0 084

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

15th Sep 2020


Teeling Sommelier Selection Margaux Wine Cask
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Teeling recently launched a new NAS-whiskey in their so-called Sommerlier Selection. It matured on bourbon casks before getting another 18 months in Margaux wine casks. This is a wine that can be found in Haut-Médoc in Bordeaux, with the village of Margaux as the epicenter of its vineyards.

On the nose I am at first reminded of sweet fritters. Add some marzipan and some orange marmalade. Only after a bit of hand warmth do I also get some banana, nougat and a hint of garden herbs. Nicely inviting, I must say.

It is oily, almost syrupy, on the palate. Honeysweet on candied oranges, cherries and some strawberry, sprinkled with cloves. The banana returns and is dressed with some nuts and honey. But all the while, the Teeling DNA is unmistakable, which I applaud.

The finish is satisfyingly long and very spicy.

While this is most likely a very young malt, it has no acne if you know what I mean. The wine cask did a fine job. Nice malt for a fair price (around 55 EUR). Obviously, I got my sample from Benny, who else?

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