Jonathan started a discussion
10 years ago
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Sad story.
I have a friend in Florida who receives my online purchases for me and brings the bottles one at a time when he visits Canada.
A year ago I bought us matching bottles of Bladnoch 11 year old. The idea was that we would go online on Skype and drink together. Once the bottle was opened, however, his wife "took the initiative" and ended up drinking some of it...
We've since backed up with a 12 year old Bladnoch, to try once the 11 is done, and I've compensated by sharing my bottle with friends and relatives.
So he and his wife were visiting over NY, and brought me two of my bottles (thanks). I have a few rare miniatures of the original Amrut CS, and I sent one home with them. When I spoke to my friend yesterday, however, the miniature was only half full. Apparently the missing half was quite delicious...
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
That's a sad tale, @Jonathan. You have my condolences.
I avoid binge-ers coming into contact with my booze. For the future I'd say prior communication is key, along with 'know your audience'.
I don't have a good awful story like that of my own, but I'd like to recirculate my personal favourite unauthorized consumption story from the great @whiskyshiba. He discovered his wife had used his bottle of George T. Stagg to marinate a holiday turkey. He also said it was the best turkey he had ever eaten.
10 years ago 6Who liked this?
@Victor That is precisely why I don't let my wife cook.
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
@Victor - That's NOT a story to read when you've just taken a sip of whisky! Uigeadail, no less! I just did a spit-take to rival Danny Thomas (for those old enough to remember Danny Thomas doing spit-takes).
And I'll bet five bucks the turkey would have tasted just as good doused with Jim Beam...
10 years ago 0
@Victor my god that might be one of the funniest/saddest stories I have read in relation to whiskey.
10 years ago 0
Last night I finished off some final measures of Laga 12 and Mac CS with an old friend and then just had a taste of Ardbog before I called it a night. The bottle was more than half full when I last saw it. I have been nursing it since its release, and my friend, whom I usually trust with my whisky, made that half bottle disappear while I was asleep and in the process made himself very sick . This was all quite disappointing-- not just because of the waste of one of my favorite recent Ardbeg expressions.
Live and learn, I guess. Yes, yes, it's just brown liquid. But couldn't he have picked the Evan Williams SB or something? Or asked me? Thank god I left the new Lag DE and the 18 year whiskies at home.
I know that this is kind of a negative topic, but any similar stories would be appreciated. I can't be the only one who has lost whisky to the Glutton's share...