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The Perfect Dram / Travel Blog

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MaltActivist started a discussion

Hello Connosr Community!

As you might be aware I am once again making the pilgrimage to the holiest of the holy lands. That's right, Islay, next month for the whisky festival.

In follow up to my diary last year this year I will be producing a travel blog called The Perfect Dram. The aim is to sample as many whiskies as I can during my stay there in the quest of finding my perfect dram. You can be a part of this documentary as well by sending in images / videos of what you think is the perfect dram.

Check out this video to see how you can be a part of it! I look forward to your support. And if you're in Islay please please drop me a line so that we can meet up for a dram.


Talk soon!

8 years ago

3 replies

MaltActivist replied

So who's in Islay this summer for the festival?

8 years ago 0

sorren replied

Unfortunately not me, I'll be in speyside in May .. Can't wait to read all about Islay though ..

8 years ago 0

MaltActivist replied

@sorren that's nice - thats next on my bucket list

8 years ago 0

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