rwbenjey started a discussion
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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@rwbenjey, batches differ quite a lot. I think that you were drinking two different Jamesons. If you were to review it, I would suggest two different reviews, leaving your first review intact. Jim Murray gives two and sometimes three different reviews of the same whisky in his Bibles. I am sure the reason is that the samples differed a great deal from each other. As for standard Jameson, I had had at least three samples at very different times that I couldn't stand, and recently had two other samples, one recently bottled, and another from an ancient but newly opened basement bottle, that I liked quite a lot. The batches do vary, sometimes by a very large amount.
12 years ago 0
@Victor : I don't think this is a batch issue. I've had lots of Jameson from various batches over the years and they all tasted the same to me. I guess I'm suggesting that there is an interesting flavor change with a spirit on the palate after interaction with a few beers.
12 years ago 0
@rwbenjey, I don't doubt that the beer experiment is interesting.
For me, though, the batches of Jameson all tasted the same, up to a point, and then, they didn't.
12 years ago 0
@rwbenjey, I had a very nice sample of standard Jameson at a liquor store tasting about 4 weeks ago, just before St. Patrick's day. It was more mellow than I had ever experienced, yet still flavourful. My past experiences of it had been with a bitter twang sort of hybridised with petrol.
That was clearly a recently made batch. I also had some from a bottle at my sister's house which had been sitting unopened in her basement for an unknown number of years, most likely more than 10. That one also tasted unlike all of my other samples of standard Jameson over the years.
I've gotten so that I don't expect consistent flavours from any brand of whisky, though I do hope to be able to obtain something close in flavour to the flavours I remember that I have enjoyed in the past.
12 years ago 0
I've had forgettable and incredible Jameson experience as well. I chalk it up to pallette influence (what I've eaten and drank beforehand) and variance in bottlings. I am not dissappointed if the only choice is Jameson.
12 years ago 0, your tasting notes sound very similar to my experience with Jameson 18 when I tried it several months ago! I enjoyed that one so much (lots of citrus - tart - and tropical - sweet - fruit notes) that it will likely be my next bottle purchase.
As 'Victor' alluded to, are you sure it was the standard Jameson that you actually drank? :)
11 years ago 0
Let me start this off by saying that I've never been a fan of regular old Jameson served by itself. It always came across as one dimensional with a slap of bitterness.
Now, this past Monday, I exited the workplace to run to my house and get another box of EPs for my buddy's show that evening. After arriving at the venue, I greeted him--and by coincidence his name is Jameson--and noted the glass of Yuengling he was holding. I was certainly in the mood for a drink, so I proceeded to the bar and ordered a pint of Guinness. As it turns out I didn't have to pay for it as it was the last pint they had available : ) That one didn't last long at all so I ordered another round, this time I went for Yazoo Dos Perros. I took my time with this one as the show had begun.
Typically, I'm done after two beers as my palate wants something else. However, as everyone else was ordering vodka, rum, or mixers, I figured I would grab something else too. The only good whisky/whiskey they had on hand was Jameson, so I was a little disappointed, but I figured it was the best option.
I watched the bartender carefully pour the glass and slide it over to me. I asked her for a cup of water as well and took care of that before the whiskey. As I was putting the glass up to my mouth--and watching the band--I was expecting the usual with that stuff. However, once it hit my tongue, it was quite a surprise: Sweet, fresh apple, cantaloupe, then dried apple, husk cherry, and some citrus. Absolutely awesome.
I need to see if I can duplicate this and will rewrite my review when I do. The 70 something mark I gave Jameson may have to increase substantially. This could also be a fun experiment with my other bottles as well...hmmm.