Jonathan started a discussion
4 years ago
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My philosophy: Why pay $150 for Lagavulin 12 when young indie CS Caol Ila, Laphroaig 10 CS, or Ardbeg Corryvreckan are all available for around half that?
4 years ago 3Who liked this?
I find it very tricky to compare those two... To my palate the Laga is medicinal and has a very different profile than the bonfire embers and dry smoke of Caol Ila. Of late, I much prefer the Laga. Seems that the pricing of the Laga 12 is a bit odd though: here in London it's pretty steep, but I found one for €73 on my recent travels, just some €15 more than the regular 16.
4 years ago 2Who liked this?
@MadSingleMalt You read my mind. I looked at the bottle of Lag 12, then at the 2010 PC MC-01., then at the 150$ Lag--and I couldn't buy it buy it for that price. r
4 years ago 0
@RikS If the Lag 12 were 125$, I'd take it at that the price. Even at $150, I get a 10% discount, but I'm not sure, as much as I really prefer the Lag profile This is apples to oranges, but the Amrut Peated CS is 90$, Caol Ila CS Peated is a flat 100$, and Springbank 12 CS goes for for 100$. It feels irresponsible to spend that much for the Lag, all Ardbeg CS releases are well under 100$. In general: I'm loading up on CS releases. The Lag 12 would come to 135$ with discount and that puts it in in the realm of Amrut IS and some others. Definitely something to consider, especially as the tariffs take their time in taking effect. Tonight I went for the Port Charlotte MRC-01 and a trusty Lag 16.
I may have just convinced myself to have them hang onto a bottle of the 12 for me. ..
4 years ago 1Who liked this?
The newer is Lagavulin 12 CS for 149$
I owned Lag 12 before and loved it when it was 100$ just a few years ago., Some of the other Lag 12 releases seem milder, without the peat punch, I love subtle peat, like Caol Ila , and am fine with a more restrained dram. But 150$ for a Lag12 CS?