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Try This If You Are A Coffee Drinker...

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Abunadhman started a discussion

Try this if you are a coffee drinker who grinds your own beans; this works best with freshly ground coffee but beans unground will work, provided they are not cold from the 'fridge.

When finished with your Whisky (at night), set your glass aside empty but wet with Whisky and put a lid on. Next morning, remove lid and there will be a large drop of Whisky that has formed - Tilt the glass and rotate so the Whisky travels up to the rim of the glass. Now, nose the glass and you will be amazed at the Whiskies' aroma. Grind your coffee and stick your nose in and inhale gently and long. Now, back to your Whisky, nose the glass and you will be more than amazed, you will be astounded!

This works if you smell the beans in the hopper of your grinder. Perfumers use unground beans in a glass which they shake and nose as required.

12 years ago

9 replies

systemdown replied

Interesting.. I will try this tomorrow morning after I "prepare" my glass tonight!

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

Abunadhman replied

@systemdown: It seems that the more sophisticated the nose of the Whisky, the more startling the effect. I religiously do this 'rigmarole' when I have Highland Park 18 (not often enough) and a couple of others.

Let us know what you think,


12 years ago 0

Andrew replied

Interesting, I take it that this is the olfactory version of cleansing your pallet? Does it work even for non coffee drinkers (I have a few friends who are afflicted that way.)?

Going to be trying this at the first opportunity.

12 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

@A'bunadhman AWESOME idea!! Now if I only drank coffee :( hahaha

12 years ago 0

Abunadhman replied

@SquidgyAsh: You dont have to drink it, just smell a few beans; hit them with a hammer or similar blunt instrument, whatever! :-)

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

systemdown replied

Alright so I tried it this morning but I don't think I got what I was supposed to get. Nothing happened? The whisky glass smelled the same before and after the coffee aroma inhalation.. mind you I had a bit of a cold this morning. I will try again on a better nose day..

12 years ago 0

Abunadhman replied

@systemdown: Perhaps, not the best time to go nosing! There are a couple of things I should have mentioned & having a cold is high on the list of 'no-nos', as is toothpaste which is universally regarded as the enemy by serious tasters/nosers!

The World Renowned Taster, Critic and Master Of Wine (no small accolade) Jancis Robinson rants long and loud of the 'horrors of toothpaste', advocating as a substitute Listerene, when she is off to do some serious tasting/nosing and Jancis is one serious 'Wino'.

Recently, Listerene has been outlawed! It was shown to cause mouth cancers in some people (?) and has reappeared on shelves with a revised formula: What Jancis uses now, pre tasting, I know not but probably warm water, like a lot of other tasters off on the onerous task of tasting the Worlds finest at 9am.

Also, once you have taken the lid off your glass, leave it off.

12 years ago 0

Wills replied

Just discovered this thread and never tried it. But how is this supposed to work? Just the pure richness of aromas from the coffee will help you to smell 'more' ? Is this working with tea, mixed spices, fruit juices, ... too?

12 years ago 0

Abunadhman replied

@Wills: There is no scientific evidence that this works; many in the scientific community consider it an 'Urban Myth' - It seems to work for me but only with freshly ground quality beans!


12 years ago 0

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