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Urban Distillery Single Malt Whisky

Urban Craft Single Malt

0 284

@SpitfireReview by @Spitfire

28th May 2016


Urban Distillery Single Malt Whisky
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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  • Brand: Urban Distillery Single Malt Whisky
  • ABV: 40%

Urban Distillery is a small craft distillery in Kelowna, BC. They've been offering whisky for a few years now, claiming it's Canada's 3rd (and BC's only) single malt.


The unique thing about this whisky is that it's sold with a small piece of cask wood in the bottle; there's a date on the bottle when the oak was added. I purchased mine in May 2016, but the oak had been added in December 2014, so about 16 months in the bottle.

The liquid is a medium-dark amber. Nose is vanilla and some citrus, with a strong oak tang.

Palate is more of the same: vanilla, citrus, and strong oak. Tangy. The mouthfeel is smooth and oily, quite nice. Took me a while to cotton on to this one, but I'm coming to like it. Like drinking a piece of wood (OK, perhaps the oak is a bit overdone...).

This is a relatively inexpensive craft whisky which is produced not too far from me; I had to try it. It's unlike any other single malt I've ever tried--the closest whisky I've tasted to this would be the 40 Creek 3-Grain Harmony 2015 release, which was a blend of corn and other grains. The Urban is not bad, just different--which makes it interesting. Much nicer than some single malt Scotches I've tried. I'd score it higher if the oak was a bit less pronounced; I'll give it an 84 overall. And I'll buy it again.


Ol_Jas commented

"I'll buy it again."

That's always the highest endorsement I look for.

8 years ago 0

Spitfire commented

The bottle is stamped with the bottling date; the literature suggests you taste it occasionally for the first 6 months or so after bottling, and remove the oak (or decant it) when it's to your taste. I saw a Ralfy video where he describes putting a piece of oak into a bottle to improve underaged spirit--but he suggests removing it after only a few days.

I bought mine 16 months after the bottling, so no surprise it's a bit overoaked. I alson noticed that some of the bottles on the shelf had sticks that were still floating, while others (like mine) were sunk. Next time, I'll go directly to the distillery and get one that is recently bottled.

Also--a note to the administrators. I don't know how my photo got turned on edge--it was upright on my device. When I added it, there was no way to preview or edit. We need, at the very minimum, an editing function on this site!

8 years ago 0