Vega 41 Year Old 1976 North Star Spirits
Glühwein on Steroids
1 088
Review by @markjedi1
- Brand: Vega
- ABV: 46.1%
This was limited edition number 3 in the famous – infamous? – Vega series. It is also the oldest, put together with whiskies from 1976 and bottled at the age of 41 years in 2018. You can imagine that I’m very keen to try this one. So far, each and every Vega release scored 87 or 88 in my book.
OMG what a nose! I can easily enjoy this for twenty minutes without even feeling the urge to take my first sip. Aromatic and round, waxy and sexy on raisins, plums and orangettes, but that is upholstered with clear notes of apple sauce and honey. Raspberry and blueberry in the background. Like a walk through a forest after a heavy downpour. Finally some menthol that adds a fresh lift and makes it somewhat bright, if you know what I mean. Heavenly!
It could do with a bit more body, but the taste is excellent. Again the forest fruit, again the fresh menthol, again the waxy honey. But the spiciness of the wood becomes quite loud. Cloves, nutmeg, black pepper and paprika powder. The oak really puts its foot down, turning it somewhat dry. However, some chewing tobacco makes sure it stays juicy enough. The balance is maintained, which is a relief.
I feared the finish might become very dry, but that never happens. Sure, it is a bit drying and spicy, but remains balanced and at the death reoffers some oranges and cloves.
A glühwein on steroïds! The only one I have not yet tried is the fourth edition, a 28 years old from 1990. If anyone has an open bottle and is willing to sell me a sample: get in touch!