RexAlban started a discussion
13 years ago
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13 years ago
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Totally agreed, but I do find that eating something fairly bland like crackers or Triscuits can help cleans the palate a little.
13 years ago 0
totally agreed, I tasted a glass of Black Grouse after having dinner at a mexican restaurant and found it disgusting...I started to feel the peat on the back of my tongue one hour after going back home...must try it again wit clean mouth,,,
13 years ago 0
Good topic ,,. I have found that most foods will ruin a good whisky. But I'll have to try some bland, unsalted crackers that @garageburrito suggested. My best tasting moment is before a meal, when I have not eaten anything for a while, and the taste buds are more alert. Also, I'm sure it works in some situations, but I usually feel that good whisky is wasted during or after a flavorful or spicey meal. Then there is the musical tune entitled "whiskey before breakfast" :-)
13 years ago 0
Yesterday I had a cheese and onion sandwhich with some hot english mustard. Delicious I must say. However as everyone knows, quite a strong and lasting taste is left in the mouth. It made the whisky I had that evening taste awfull. None of the whisky I tried tasted anything like they ought to. Proof if any were needed that what you eat plays an important part in the whisky taste experience