vanPelt started a discussion
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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@vanPelt - drop down to all 25 reviews and proceed from there - the entire chronology, from recent to start will be available.
11 years ago 0
Thanks! My interest is in how to get my reviews displayed as "most recent" (if they are in fact most recent!).
@Nozinan , so the provided link shows you reviews from 2013? For me it shows 3 from 2011, from reviewers nycadman, chrisbarrett, and GT2. If you are not seeing that, then it is good news! I wonder how....?
11 years ago 0
Hi @vanPelt, you're right in that there was an issue - notably when reviews were 'sorted' - which prevented recent reviews from being shown in that list. This has now been addressed.
11 years ago 3Who liked this?
I just posted to @viperstd's review of Balvenie 21 Portwood. It went to @blinkadelic's review of a Bowmore. I had never even looked at that page, much less posted on it.
11 years ago 0
Ha! They both have the same title, "First Impression". @Jean-Luc was able to fix this for a couple HP18 reviews where reviewers had used the same title twice ("Sweet Smoke!" and "Very nice all-rounder"), but there are more same-title reviews floating here-and-there. Hopefully this can be fixed too.
In the meantime, it would still be great if the site's search results would show anything after October 25....
11 years ago 0
Is anyone else perplexed about the "Recent Reviews" sections? Either they are outdated by 2 years, or else I don't understand how to get a review "showcased". For example, for one popular whisky:…
For me, it shows "most recent review" was in 2011 with (25) reviews-- in actuality there are now (60)! Is it just my web browser, or does everyone else see this issue too? Or is there some way for reviewers to get their reviews highlighted...?