Your new scoring system, as previewed here a few days ago, is now live and ready for use.
The new scoring 100 point scoring system
It has been clear for some time now that - for various reasons - the old star rating system wasn't granular enough for critiquing whisky at this level. This update has been some time in development and our final solution is the result of many "back to the drawing board" moments here at Connosr HQ - we do hope you like it.
So, star ratings are now a thing of the past as we have now upscaled to an entirely more flexible 100 point system.
Writing reviews
Reviewers have the option to use either 'Simple' or 'Advanced' scoring.
'Simple' scoring allows you to choose a score out of 100 with an easy to use sliding scale - we have provided some visual indicators to encourage consistency where possible, without telling you how to evaluate the whisky (we like to leave that up to you). The markers are broadly based on accepted international whisky scoring standards.
'Advanced' scoring also works on a 100 point scale but allows the reviewer to break this total down into marks out of 25 for Nose, Taste, Finish and Balance.
Cabinet ratings
The other area where the new system has been applied is the detailed cabinet view. Only the 'Simple' scoring method is available here.
Next steps
An amnesty period will be allowed for those of you who want to adjust your scores - we will be announcing some guidelines for this over the next few days.
After the amnesty period is over some normalisation of the data will be applied algorithmically where scores have not be updated.
As always we look forward to hearing your thoughts.