Whisky Connosr
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New site search functionality

By Connosr

Site search has been high on our wish list for quite some time but, with an ever growing mass of lovely content on the site (thank you folks!), the need for a full featured search facility has never been greater.

New site search functionality on Whisky Connosr

So today we launched the Public Beta of Connosr Site Search which allows you to search across all the different content categories on our site.

You should now be able to see the new search box in the top right hand corner of the page but you can also reach it direct via www.connosr.com/search


Here's a little breakdown of the new search features:

  • Quick Search: as you type into the global search box a dropdown menu displays the best matching result for your query. You can either click directly on a result from there or hit return to go through to the full search results page.
  • Search by category: results are broken down by category which makes it easier to find what you're looking for.
  • Live update: the results on the main search page update as you type. If it's good enough for Google its good enough for us ;) give it a go!
  • Spelling suggestions: common spelling mistakes are picked up, good for those who can't remember how to spell Lephroyg

What's next?

This is just the first phase of development for our search platform and we have a number of improvements in development:

  • Sorting: being able to choose how the results are sorted for example; most commented, most owned, highest rating
  • Full text search: being able to search deeper into discussion or comment threads for word matches

Your feedback

We've been using search to navigate the site for the last couple of weeks and (without wanting to pat ourselves on the back) we've found it pretty darn useful. There is always room for improvement though so let us know what you think, how you are using it or how it could be improved.

We're always glad to hear your thoughts.