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Whisky in Tokyo?

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WmRamsey started a discussion

I'm in Japan, visiting from the US this week. Do you have a great Tokyo whisky story? Been here? I plan to visit Zoetrope Bar this week for a nice selection of Japanese single malts and a very experience bartender.

Also: anyone purchased single malt here? Tips for what kind of store to buy from? I saw a few very nice things at a department store. The wine/liquor shops seem to have a much smaller selection. ... Also, any experience bringing back bottles through US customs? I think it's 2-3 bottles (normal size) but don't know if it's based on pure number of bottles or just volume (i.e. more bottles of smaller size).

13 years ago

4 replies

Victor replied

@WmRamsey, I don't have specific tips on choosing whiskies in Japan, but I can tell you that the duty free allowance to return to the US is 1.0 litre per person. Duty is not very much, like 5 %, and theoretically they can charge you also some IRS additional taxes, which also are probably not much. One thing you don't want to do is appear commercial (not for personal consumption) by bringing back large quantities of the same whisky. Returning by plane I suppose that the customs agents will probably charge you duty. On driving through checks points on the Canadian border the agents seem to have some lattitude in whether or not they ask for duty to be paid.

13 years ago 0

WmRamsey replied

Arigatou gozaimasu

13 years ago 0

Victor replied

@WmRamsey, omedeto gozaimasu.

13 years ago 0