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Whisky Regional Make Up

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PMessinger started a discussion

I was wondering what your whisky regional make up is. For example my current make up is roughly 50% Islay, 40% Speyside, 5% Highland, 5% World whiskys. So just curious what is your whisky regional make up.

11 years ago

26 replies

lostboyscout replied

Good topic. Not sure if it's been brought up before but first I've seen it in my short time here.

I tend to think of it more in terms of flavour (closely related, I know): 50% peaty/smokey, 25% sherried, and 25% standard/bourbon flavoured.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

systemdown replied

Islay: 32% Speyside: 24% Highland: 10% Aussie: 10% World: 8% Lowland: 6% Blend: 6% Campbeltown: 2% Islands: 2%

Wow, I really need some Springbank and Highland Park..

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

numen replied

Interesting and actually surprised me a lot

Islay: 17%, highlands: 3%, Speyside: 11%. America: 39%. Ireland:2%. Japan: 14%. Island: 2%. Campbeltown: 3%. Blend: 9%

Considering how infrequently I reach for islay, I suppose it makes sense that bottles would accumulate. I just hadn't realized that I had so much American whisky and so little from the highlands

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

rie replied

Islay: 38%, Highland: 30%, Japanese: 12%, Speyside: 8%, Cambeltown: 4%, Island: 4%. Blended: 4%. Interesting, but not surprising. Icelandic and Finnish whiskies, most probably, will be my next couple of purchases.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?


At the moment...

20% Speyside 20% Islay 20% Island 20% Kentucky Bourbon 20% Irish

But I only have 5 bottles :p

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

PMessinger replied

@systemdown, @numen, Wow I didn't even think about blends, I guess I should buy more. :)

11 years ago 0


Great exercise. Paints a picture I've never envisioned.

Speyside: 28%. Islay: 26%. Highland: 23%. Island: 10%. Campbeltown: 6%. Lowland: 3%.

American and Canadian: each 1%.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

YakLord replied

Of my currently open bottles: 25% Canadian (including 1 bottle of maple whisky liqueur), 25% Island (Arran, Scapa, Talisker), 8.33% Lowland/Campeltown (Auchentoshan), 8.33% Highland, 8.33% Speyside, 16.66% World Malts (Penderyn, Nikka), and 8.33% Bourbon

Of the unopened bottles in stock that are not ear-marked for tasting events: 4.5% Bourbon, 19% Canadian, 9.5% World Malts (English Whisky Co., Nikka), 28.5% Blends (JW Green, Te Bheag, Islay Mist 17, Compass Box), 14.5% Speyside, 9.5% Highland (Ardmore, Oban), 14.5% Islay.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nolinske replied

Wow I'm surprised how my Bourbons accumulated but I have 50% American. 10% Irish. 30% speyside and 10% highland. Greta topic!

11 years ago 1Who liked this?


My cabinet is currently 31% Highland, 23% Speyside, 15% Islay, 15% Kentucky Bourbon, 8% Island, and 8% Lowland. 13 bottles total.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pudge72 replied

I'm all over the place with my 45 bottles:

US (15 total; including three non-bourbon/rye bottles) Islay (5) Canadian (4) Speyside (3) Highland (3) Irish (2) Island (2) Japan (2) Blended whisky (2) Lowland (1) Blended (Vatted) Malt (1) Australia (1) Campbeltown (1)

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

From 127 bottles I have 81 expressions - Germany 1, N.Z. 1, USA 2, Ireland 3, Campbeltown 1, Island 2, Speyside 4, Islay 5, Blend 3, Kentucky 19, Canada 40.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

Chookster replied

Australia - 3 Japan - 1 Speyside - 5 Highland - 2 Lowland - 0 Islay - 5 Island - 2

11 years ago 1Who liked this?


Cool thread!

Here's my current cabinet:

Islay: 4, Speyside: 1, Highland: 1, Island: 1, USA (Kentucky): 3, Canada: 1.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

PMessinger replied

@HeartlessNinny Thanks glad you enjoyed the discussion thread I was just wondering one day having a dram what favorite whiskys I had and where they came from. I was looking to organize my cabinet according to what whiskys I had on hand and to pair together my bottles. Thanks again all who stopped by this thread. :)

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

Andrea replied

60% Island, 12% Islay, 10% Highlands, 10% Speyside, 8% Lowlands. Minimim 45%abv

11 years ago 1Who liked this?


@PMessinger I knew that my cabinet was going to be dominated by Islay and Kentucky, but it was interesting to see that some guys were surprised at their cabinet make up.

It also reminded me that I wouldn't mind a little more Speyside and some Campbelltown via Springbank in mine.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

PMessinger replied

@HeartlessNinny Yeah I know what you mean. I was hoping to get more world whisky in mine. I never thought about bourbon, and blends except as part of the world whisky. Not discounting blends or bourbon and the importance of those in my cabinet I just didn't think about covering those in the same way. :)

11 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

Awesome thread and really makes you stop and think about your drinking habits!

World (Taiwan) whiskies 10%, Australian whiskies 13%, Island whiskies 7%, Speyside whiskies 17%, American whiskies 24%, Islay whiskies 17%, Lowland whiskies 3%, Highland whiskies 7%, Vatted/Blended whiskies 3%.

I REALLY need some Campbeltown and Japanese whiskies!

11 years ago 1Who liked this?


@PMessinger I've always thought that blends and bourbons can be a bit unfairly maligned... If they're good blends and bourbons, anyway! Plus I got started with bourbon, so I'll always have a warm place for it in my heart.

@SquidgyAsh I wish more Japanese whisky was available here. The only option I have is 2 or 3 varieties of Nikka. From what I understand it's not horrible stuff or anything, but it doesn't seem worth going out of my way for -- and it's overpriced. Ah well.

11 years ago 0

Chookster replied

@SquidgyAsh - slightly pricey but if youre looking for a drop dead gorgeous japanese whisky; taketsuru 17. More than worth the money.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

SquidgyAsh replied

@Chookster Thanks for that recommendation my friend! I'll have to keep that in mind!!!

@Heartlessninny my friend all I can say is that when I start to sigh because of Aussie whisky prices I take a look at you Canadian whisky lovers, and the prices and lack of selection that you guys deal with everyday and then I thank god at least the Aussie government doesn't control the selection over here.

11 years ago 0


@SquidgyAsh Well, it could be worse. :)

11 years ago 0

PMessinger replied

Thanks for the many great points raised in this discussion thread. I am surprised that my cabinet is able to have as good a make up as it does considering that some whiskies are so hard to get where I am. I have to go to Binny's in Chicago to get a decent selection. I really appreciate the great varity of responces to this thread. It makes me wonder if the make up of our cabinets is due more to our actual preferences or to our buying habits as we explore the unknown that we want to try for the first time. :)

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@PMessinger " It makes me wonder if the make up of our cabinets is due more to our actual preferences or to our buying habits as we explore the unknown that we want to try for the first time. :)"

Wow ! - that would be a great discussion. i don't want to steal your thunder, how about it?

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

PMessinger replied

@paddockjudge I have no copy rights or anything like that so if you want to start a thread like that go ahead it would be awesome to share that's the true spirit of this site. Sometimes I get ideas for starting a thread from another one. :)

11 years ago 0

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