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5 years ago
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@Nock I don't know of any brick and mortar shops, but if you can find something you like online (Fine Drams often has good stuff) you can have it shipped to where you're staying.
5 years ago 0
@Nozinan Thanks for the thought. The big problem is that we won't be in any one place for longer than 2 or 3 days. So the logistics of coordinating the mail arriving seems like a potential problem that might be more hassle than it is worth.
Still . . . I will see what I will see. Who knows? Maybe I will just get lucky.
5 years ago 0
I arranged a shipment to a hotel where someone was staying 1 night. I or they(I forget which) called the hotel to ask if they could hold it and they said yes. As it turned it, it arrived the day they did.
5 years ago 0
@Nock Greetings. Whilst I try to buy my whiskies at the Royal Mile Whisky shop to support our locals, I often find that by far the best deals in Europe are actually available on Amazon (not always, but they have very frequent special offers and sale, and I use a system called KEEPA to monitor this). Check out Whiskygeschäft if you're in Germany, Boutique de Whisky for shopping in France and then Tienda de Whisky for those of you in Spain.
So, in Germany Amazon is a given, but also if you go to it seems you'll be automatically placed on the German Amazon platform, but for sales to the Czech Republic (free of taxes etc as within EU market) in case that's more convenient to you.
Other than that, it seems to me that is a great online seller - they have good prices and ship widely. Though, I haven't actually tried them myself yet, only heard that they're good. And this
Of course, nothing beats strolling into a store... glancing around and also making some nice finds, like for me in Athens a while ago when I found Lagavulin 12 at €74/£66 instead of the £110 it sells for in the UK.
5 years ago 3Who liked this?
In Munich, Whisky Shop Tara. Good stuff there, at least back in 2011!
5 years ago 1Who liked this?
@Nock Cadenheads just opened a shop in Vienna this month.
I'd be all over that like a tramp on chips if I were you!
5 years ago 2Who liked this?
I hit two shops in Vienna
Potstill - Austria's finest Whiskey Store Laudongasse 18, 1080 Wien, Austria
Grand Whisky Wien Schleifmühlgasse 15, 1040 Wien, Austria
The Potstill hand a huge selection of independent bottles. Highly recommended from me. Sadly, I have left Vienna. Currently in Prague. So far it is amazing. Thanks for the thoughts and recommendations. I will see what I am able to do about shipping. Both Whiskywinkel (Nederland) and Whiskywinkel (België) are worth checking out for whisky price comparison in NL and BE.
5 years ago 3Who liked this?
Hi, can only comment on Vienna. There are a selection of shops that you might want to check out. They are: Potstill, Cadenheads and Grand Whisky. All are easily accessible by the transit system. Happy hunting.
5 years ago 0
@Nock Missed your last post. If you haven't got to Salzburg yet, it's only 2 hours by train back to Vienna. The trains run frequently
5 years ago 0
This is probably a long shot . . . but I figured I would give it a try. I will be traveling in Europe over the next two weeks. Just curious if anyone knows of any good whisky shops in (or close to):
Vienna, Prague, or Munich.
We might go to Nurnberg or Salzburg but those will be day trips.
Sadly that is the extent of the trip. I know of a few other amazing shops . . . but my travels will be limited to that narrow zone.