MaltyMike started a discussion
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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I regularly take a filled flask to good concerts, the music makes the whisky better and vice versa. Also then u dont have to go for beer in the middle of the concert ;)
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
But is that legal? And does it affect the smell and taste compared to a whisky glass?
10 years ago 0
Drink some green tea, or eat plain unsalted crackers a few mins before tasting your Scotch. Cleanses the palate and really heightens the whole experience.
10 years ago 0
@Nozinan I don't care too much, as long as I get passed the security (although my favorite concerts dont need security;) Smelling it will be difficult from the small opening and in between non-smoking sweaty farting people. And as long as you dont take your most delicate 21yo single cask the taste will stay fine. Ofcourse I never put anything else but whisky in it so the inside doesnt get contaminated hehe. You should see the jealous glances when you have it and they dont :)
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
@Jules interesting about the green tea. I am going to try that.
10 years ago 0
Whisky tips to make the experience more enjoyable
Recently I opened my whisky cabinet in search of an "end of day" dram and noticed a nearly empty bottle of Black Bush.... so I thought what the heck lets put this one to bed. I poured the dram, added a drop of water and gave it a while. When I got to sipping it, it blew my mind, it was full and complex like no other Black Bush I have had before ( and I have had plenty of Black Bush). So why was this dram so special? Was it oxidation?
From that point onwards, every bottle I open, I have a couple of drams, then if I think the bottle needs "opening", I split the bottle into two by emptying half into another bottle ( which is why I keep most of my empty bottles wife thinks I am nuts but nevertheless ). After 2-4 weeks I put them back together again, and now we have a full bottle of "peaking" whisky. I have had great success with this trick on a Jameson Select Reserve we get down here in South Africa. Also with HP 12.
I wanted to share this with you Malt Mates because you can maximize your whisky experience enjoyment by forcing an entire bottle into "peak mode".
I also recently purchased a gadget that makes a massive ice ball, and it works great for blends as the ice melts ultra slowly. It completely changes the way to enjoy blends on ice.
Not sure if these topics have been covered... just wanted to share the experience.
Do you have any tricks or ideas that make the whisky experience more enjoyable?