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Reviews by @SMC

Talisker 10 Year Old

Hey Diageo, where's the peat? Talisker 10 Year Old

I do a lot of research before buying a bottle, especially one that costs $80 like Talisker 10. I expected the peat/salt notes that are typical of the Island style and mentioned in so many reviews here…

@SMCBy @SMC11 years ago 0 680

Tobermory 10 year old 46.3%

Smart buyers' Oban Tobermory 10 year old 46.3%

Firstly this is a review of the newer 46.3% unchillfiltered version of Tobermory 10 year, not the bargain supermarket one most Britons are familiar with.Nose: Malty with lots of citrus, mostly lemon and…

@SMCBy @SMC12 years ago 0 183