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eBay, no more liquor/beer sales. thoughts?

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By @lmann86 @lmann86 on 2nd Oct 2012, show post

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SquidgyAsh replied

@CanadianNinja Because if Ebay did that then they wouldn't make money :D Also possibly due to the possibility of toxins, bodily fluids and other horror stories that I've heard from people buying whisky off Ebay. You can buy a fake purse, but it won't poison you or make you sick (in theory :D)

Mind you I also think Ebay is being hypocritical about this, but I think I understand their reasoning. Alcohol, especially bad alcohol can make people sick, blind or even kill you, counterfeit clothes? Thanks to the seller for paying our fees and sucks to be you buyer. That's just a guess though.

11 years ago 0

broadwayblue replied

Not so sure ebay stopped liquor sales because of potential health risks due to bad/counterfeit alcohol. I mean why not eliminate all food sales too? No doubt they ended it primarily due to 1) underage buyers getting their hands on a controlled substance, and 2) the complexity of various state laws regarding the sale and shipping and importation of liquor.

11 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


Obviously a fake. Baaaah would be authentic. Are there even goats in Scotland?

11 years ago 0

RetFor replied


from what I saw doing research about this, while counterfeiters might be an issue (albeit with anything, as you pointed out) the actual reason they stopped it was minors buying. 20/20 did a story where they had a minor buy alcohol off Ebay and it was after that that they stopped. Imo, they were dumb for not being more strict about what was listed. People were selling regular bottles of grey goose, etc, even though theoretically they had to be collectible to be allowed to be sold. If they had been stricter about that, this wouldn't have been an issue, as as someone said, minors arent going to be buying collectible bottles to get drunk off of. Banning sales completely was a knee-jerk reaction, what they should have done was just become more strict about that.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I previously sold two Longmorn 15's on Ebay, and was hoping to sell some Knockando 1975 (bottled 1989) mini's that I came across on there as well. Only to find when I went to do it that they no longer allow the sales. I got them really cheap, and they're pretty good, so I don't mind keeping them for myself, but its quite annoying.

11 years ago 0