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Hellyers Road Peated

A Road in Tasmania

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@SquidgyAshReview by @SquidgyAsh

2nd Oct 2012


Hellyers Road Peated
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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I recently picked up a bottle of a whisky that had me very excited. It was a distillery that I'd tried before and absolutely loved. A distillery that my wife loved.

That distillery is Hellyer's Road in Tasmania.

My wife and I had tried the unpeated version while we were down in Margaret River a few months ago and it was immediately loved by us.

So when I was at my sister store, The International Beer Shop, and saw that they had a peated version, I knew I had to grab it.

Fast forward a month or so and I've finally polished off a few long standing bottles and I decided it was time to crack open a new bottle!

Hellyer's Road Peated Whisky here we come.

It was with great excitement that I finally pulled the bottle out of it's box and then cracked the seal.

Pale pale yellow. Or as a friend of mine would describe it, the color of panther piss hahaha!

When I pour the whisky into it's glencairn my wife states that it smells like burn.


She's actually not too far off.

Peat, Ash, Burnt bandaid, and the tiniest hint of fruit hiding under it all make for an interesting nose that I honestly wasn't expecting.

When I drink the first thing I taste is ashy peat, some phenols, a tiny bit of cocoa and just a hint of hint of fruit (pears).

Finish is of decent length with ashy peat and just a hint of chocolate at the end of the finish.

To be honest this whisky almost reminds me of a less intense version of Laphroaig. Specifically the 10 year old.

Not bad, but nothing to write home about. I paid about $80 odd for the bottle of peated Hellyer's Road and I don't feel that it was money poorly spent, however it's definitely not my favorite peated whisky out there.

You're going to have to look a bit to find a bottle of this, but honestly I'd personally hunt for the unpeated version over the peated.

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systemdown commented

Have you tried the Slightly Peated version? I have a bottle in my cabinet. I haven't really been looking forward to it, so maybe I'll open it and get it over and done with and I can send you sample.

11 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh commented

No I haven't. Just the unpeated and peated. Unpeated really surprised me, or at least the bottle I had did. Was quite enjoyable. Nothing fancy, but not something I would mind having in my cabinet.

Btw tomorrow I try two different Rosebanks, two different Broras and a Talisker 57 North!

11 years ago 0

systemdown commented

Damn.. lucky b*stard. I have no idea where I'd get a taste of Brora in Brisbane. Might have to venture to Melbourne or Sydney. Hope you post reviews of the Broras and Rosebanks.

It surprises me that the Unpeated seems to be the best of Hellyer's Road. Have not heard flattering things about the quality of spirit, at least with peat, it has a chance of covering up some blemishes.

11 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh commented

hehe I was very excited when I saw that they had all those lovely whiskies on the menu. Even better they'll let me bring in my own glencairns (they serve in tumblers). I will definitely be posting reviews of those bad boys!

I was rather surprised when we tried Hellyer's Road in Margaret River how much both my wife and I enjoyed it. I was extremely eager to try the peat because hey even more good stuff to love, but honestly my face fell when I started nosing the glencairn and I do believe I had a sad face on when I actually drank. Here's hoping oxidation saves this Meh whisky!

11 years ago 0