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Independent bottlers

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RikS started a discussion

Cadenhead, Old Particular, Gordon & Macphail...

...to me as a relative newcomer to the whisky scene the independents are a bit of a confusing jungle, and yet one that I would like to explore and get to know better as I have the impression that they often release expressions of excellent quality and at comparatively very good prices compared to OB (reference is made to today's posting which mentioned an outstanding 20yrs old IB selling at £10 less than a 10yrs old OB).

So, I thought that maybe one could start a thread where those of you with longer experience and expertise could help guide a bit and offer up some advice? Maybe post recommendations on particularly good expressions hitting the market?

5 years ago

2 replies

conorrob replied

Great topic - would love to hear opinions on this also !

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

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