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Jura Prophecy

Very medium, but very good

0 075

@squidboy007Review by @squidboy007

21st Mar 2013


Jura Prophecy
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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I don't really have too much to say about the Jura Prophecy- it had a nicely peaty smell that also contained a heap of sea salt and light smoke, maybe some trees in the distance, like a fresh breeze coming in after a storm. The taste was a bit peppery/oily, and pretty subtle compared to the nose, with a similar finish.

I enjoyed the Jura Prophecy more than the Jura 16, because the 16 didnt have nearly as much smoke/peat, but I would still call the 16 the more interesting Jura. That rubbery orange is much more unique, and memorable. the Prophecy is absolutely worth trying, but I'm not sure I'd buy a bottle.

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