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Laphroaig 18 Year Old

Toasting The Bravery

1 190

RReview by @Rigmorole

11th Sep 2014


Laphroaig 18 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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I'm ashamed to admit that I am a bit of a Laphroaig snob due to having owned the 2012, 2013 and now the 2014 Cairdeases, in addition to the 003 and the 006 Cask Strength 10 years.

In light of these past wonders of High Scotchcraft, the 18 year didn't blow me away; but it was a welcome dram to cup on a chilly late summer's eve. Aye, it's still a great scotch, well above the benchmark of "acceptable," especially for those who can't get their hands on a really unique Laphroaig offering.

I was grateful to find the 18 Year at a pub near my home. The peat comes through in scintillating layers, and the trade marked seaweed (iodine) is dialed up to just the right level. Lovely nose, to be sure. A fulsome palate that delights and "brightens the corners," so to speak. I also detected lemon rind on the finish due to more time in the casks. 48% goes down the hatch smooth as butter. A very creamy delightful dram, indeed, and well balanced, even if it's not the most complex or dazzling Laphroaig in existence. The sophisticated class of the 18 more than makes up for a lack of bombast in one's glass.

As for a long list of metaphors and allusions to other things in typical tasting note form, I just can't muster up the energy to "go there" tonight. I lived in New York's Manhattos for many years so 9/11 takes a lot out of me. I've researched the topic ad nauseum and the official story, as well as the 9/11 Commission's findings, are insulting to my intelligence, as well as to every other American's. Those who died on 9/11 deserve so much more than to be sacrificed for a war machine that needed yet more excuses to spend, spend, spend.

Drinking a glass of Laphroaig 18 went a long way towards soothing my nerves tonight. This review is dedicated to all who died on 9/11 and to those stalwart firemen, police officers, and so many other brave men and women who died years after their heroic efforts on 9/11 from exposure to thermite dust and other strange ungodly stuff that was absorbed into their bloodstreams due to whatever evil machinations brought down the twin towers. As for box cutters defeating the shield of NORAD's might, fie on that lie being promulgated by hidden evil in high places; fie on the myriad minions in media & the scientific dictatorship that dance like marionettes from gilded golden purse strings, moving wooden lips in time to their puppet masters' machinations.

Praise be to the waters of life. There's nothing like a fine glass of scotch to toast the brave and the fearless who sacrificed so very much.

As Robert Burns wrote in one of his most famous poems: "Ye see yon birkie ca'd a lord wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that tho' hundreds worship at his word he's but a coof for a' that for a' that, an' a' that his ribband, star, an' a' that the man o' independent mind he looks an' laughs at a' thatA prince can mak a belted knight, a marquise, duke, an' a' that; But an honest man's aboon his might, gude faith, he maunna fa' that! For a' that, an' a' that, their dignities an' a' that, the pith o' sense, an' pride o' worth, are higher rank than a' that."

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Pandemonium commented

Had one at the distillery last month, had to flush the Select away. I have to agree with you the 18yo, is a good dram, but not the stellar older brother of the 10yo one would expect. If one were to compare it with similar whiskies with the same age and price difference, like the Talisker 10 and 18, the overall improvement is significant

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