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Other than whisky, what's in your cabinet?

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By @WhiskyBee @WhiskyBee on 19th Mar 2013, show post

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Bourbondork replied

@markjedi1 Funny...I wasn't thinking Wine. I don't have much in the house as I'm the only one that drinks and I'm not one to sit and finish on a bottle of wine myself. I do have some Port that I enjoy on occasion. I forgot I also have some Cognac.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

lostboyscout replied

I would like to update to say I now have around 55 bombers of craft beer, about half of which will be in the cellar for the next 1-2 years (I don't have a cool place to cellar in the apartment, so longer term cellaring would be risky). I haven't bought a bottle of whisky in about 2 months now, but that will change this month now that the beer collection is more or less at capacity.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?


Board games.

I'm not kidding. My whisky is in the same cabinet as my European board games... it's the only place I have to put it. :D

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

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