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Updated Whisky Wall functionality

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jeanluc started a discussion

I've upgraded the Whisky Wall today. You can now add a title and category to your post to make it a 'discussion' which users can reply to.

15 years ago

10 replies

jeanluc replied

If you have any feedback on the functionality please let me know.

15 years ago 0

jdcook replied

I like the new functionality - looks good and makes it easier to track conversations!

15 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

If anyone has any suggestions for the Categories, please let me know.

15 years ago 0

sbl replied

Great update! I find it easier to follow the discussion if you can read the comments in their natural order, with the first one on the top and the latest at the bottom.

15 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@sbl ok I'll see if I can add the option to switch between the two.

15 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

JL keeps spoiling us with these great features. I love it. This is a great way to keep the discussions going without having the need for a huge wallboard. Thanks, JL.

15 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Following your feedback I've updated the Wall Discussions: when viewing a thread the comments are now shown in their natural order, first at the top.

15 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

I've added '@' linking functionality, so you can now reference another user like this @Jean-Luc and it will link to their profile.

@brucefraser I think this was your request. Oh, @JL will link to me :-)

14 years ago 0

brucefraser replied

Fantastic @jl! thanks for all your hard work on making this community better!

14 years ago 0