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Whisky Connosr University

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HP12 started a discussion

The Connosr forum provides a wealth of educational information. Occasionally we run across other useful websites that others might benefit from as we search for additional whisky related information, articles, blogs, etc.

When you come across a whisky related website that you find interesting and that others might benefit from, please post it below along with a brief description of what the subject is about. Cheers.

13 years ago

12 replies

HP12 replied

Here's one of my favorite all purpose whisky websites. Great for novices as well as established dram enthusiasts. One-stop-shop for whisky history, tasting notes, ratings, distilleries, recommendations, blogs and much more. Be sure to read "A Beginner's Guide to SMW".


13 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

Dare I plug my own website? For the Dutch and Flemish speaking members: www.whivie.be.

13 years ago 0


The info (results) on this site are a month old -- some have likely seen this already. It covers more than single malt Scotch; you'll have to scroll down to get there. Some of the high scores are eye-popping (e.g., Oban 14 got a 96).


13 years ago 0

UserRemoved replied


Ran across this site on accident. Its a travel info website with emphasis on Duty-Free shopping. Great for malt hunters looking for that "duty free-only" whiskies.

I guess I need to fly to Hamburg now.

13 years ago 0