Nozinan started a discussion
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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According to the site author's twitter feed, the site is down temporarily due to a server problem at his webhosting site...he wants it back up ASAP, but at this point has no idea when the repairs / migrations will be finished.
10 years ago 0
Hey, all.
As YakLord said, there have been server issues for just shy of a week now. Looks like I'm back online now, but things are mighty slow. Should be resolved in the next couple of days, but at least for now you're able to read and comment, and I should be able to get some new stuff up.
Apologies to all for the delays. Thanks for reading. It's nice to be missed. :)
And yes...I'll try to keep you posted via Twitter for any interested: @allthingswhisky
10 years ago 0
Thanks for the reassurance. Unfortunately in the eastern time zone the site is still down. Wait, aren't we supposed to be ahead? That means in 2 hours the site will be down again... Darn!
10 years ago 0
How are things going with the site, @antihero? I've noticed that it has been hit-and-miss for the last few days...continuing problems with the servers?
10 years ago 0
Sadly still having issues. Today is the best day in weeks, but still not quite there. This is a test of optimism. ;) We'll get there. For now's game on. Seems to be up and running. Thanks for asking.
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
Has anyone else had trouble accessing the ATW site? I can't seem to get in.....was it something I said?
9 years ago 0
@Nozinan I went on ATW without any problem. I am sorry to sy that is must be something you said! (Just joking!) Seriously, I hope you'll find what's wrong.
9 years ago 0
How's that for a "general title"?
Does anyone on this site ever visit THAT site? I ask because I have been unable to connect for about a week now, and am beginning to worry.