Bigtuna started a discussion
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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Take the Ardbog. The Corry will be on some shelf next year too...not likely for the Ardbog.
10 years ago 0
Corry - as that is what you are seeking.
Why get something that you were not intending to get?
10 years ago 0
@Bigtuna try to sample the Ardbog. If you think it's worth it, buy it. Corryvreckan will be available for a while.
10 years ago 0
@sengjc as Victor said its something I can't get on a regular basis. The store also had several others that were out of my price range. It's going to be a tough call. The Bunna temps me more than most at this point. I have a feeling it will be the Ardbog. Cory may have to wait.
10 years ago 0
That's true too.
If anything, this demonstrates why whisk(e)y is such a fascinating hobby - what you set out to find may not always be what you end up with.
May your dram glass be always half full. :D
10 years ago 0
I'm confused, is the Toiteach one you are considering as well? If so, I say pick that one up. That is a great Bunnahabhain expression and it is not so easy to find. If I ever come across another bottle I will snatch it up for sure.
10 years ago 0
I feel the root cause of this issue is not choosing which whisky to pick up - it is instead training your other half never to put you in that situation where you are forced to make a decision.
This is worse than Sophies' Choice...
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
The solution is simple. Get both. Drink the Cory while on vacation as you will have other chances to get it. Bring the Ardbog home...
10 years ago 0
I very much understand the position of only being able to buy one. Often times I look back and realize I made the correct decision. However, some times it can be heart breaking.
Go with your gut and not your intellect. I never regret a purchase my gut wanted. I only regret those purchases I over thought.
If you are down to the Toiteach and the Ardbog . . . get the Ardbog.
By the way, what is the batch number of the Corry your leaving on the shelf?
10 years ago 0
No Cory at the store here in Hilton Head, none to be found as a matter of fact anywhere down here. After reading all the reviews I may just keep looking for a good batch of Cory. The Ardbog seems so pricey at $115 and there are so many mixed reviews. Based on all that I have read the other Ardbegs seem to be a better value. Money is a little thin and by now I've over though it. So, I'm going to suck it up and leave empty handed rather than having to leave with something just because it's there.
10 years ago 0
@Bigtuna I hear you. $115 for a bottle of Ardbog is a bit high. While I am enjoying my bottle, I don't think the price is worth it (but this is just my opinion).
But what is the price of the Corry you are looking at? Here in Virginia it is $74 (plus tax). In the Nashville area it is usually around $120.
10 years ago 0
The Cory is $89 back home, so not much difference in price. The Ardbog being over $100 with mixed reviews I think the Cory is a safer bet based on my current taste in whiskies. Now I just have to find the time to scope out that other bottle code back home. All the snow and missed worked has kept me too busy to worry with my hobbies. Thanks everyone for the input. This fool is not so easily parted with his money.
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
Sometimes it's good to let it go. I found a bottle of Bruichladdich Black Art III recently, but I decided to pass.
I'm not sure it was the right call but at least I'm a little richer for it. ;)
10 years ago 0
I'm on vacation and I just found a bottle of Ardbog while looking for the Cory. They also have the Bunnahabhain Toiteach. I'm very torn. The wife says only one can come home. Which should it be?