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10 years ago
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@Jules, N.B. that there are a couple of other discussions also on this same topic. There is plenty of information there. You don't give your location, which is helpful when you ask questions like this one. If you are in North America you might still be able to pick up a bottle of the old NAS Macallan Cask Strength. That one is intense. It may seem unidimensional to you at first with only the intense sherry-fruitiness, but give it a LOT of air time and the nose will get so it knocks you off of your feet. That is one for which my fondness has grown and grown and grown.
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
@Victor I don't think @Jules is in North America because of the Glenfarclas 15. As far as I know, you can't get it in North America.
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
If you like a'Bunadh then I'd suggest giving Glenfarclas 105 a try. It's a full 10 years old, and while it's 60% abv the alcohol punch is subtle compared to a'Bunadh.
If you can find one of the Arran Premium Cask Selection Sherry casks from 1996 or 1997 give one of them a try (I've recently seen a 1998 too). These are single casks, usually in the mid-50s abv. Delicious.
Another Arran would be the 12 year cask strength.
We don't know which country's $150 you're talking about, but I think you'll find the ones I mentioned far less than that no matter where you are.
10 years ago 2Who liked this?
OK - thank you all for the suggestions. I am in Europe, but travel regularly so I often find things not readily available in Belgium, where I live.
Good call on the G'farclas 105, two-bit ! Must get that in for the christmas season.
10 years ago 0
You might like to try The Dalmore Cigar Malt. Not quite as sherried as the lovely Glenfarclas 15 yo, but a magnificent dram and a much more complex whisky than the Glenfarclas 15yo sherry bomb.
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
@OCeallaigh - total side note, Glenfarclas 15 is available at the LCBO (unless by North America, you meant the US only).
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
I used to think it was Aberlour Abunadh, but I recently had the kavalan Vinho. Wow!! Now I want to try all of their expressions.
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
If you're in Europe I would recommend one of the Bladnoch expressions. They can be purchased online at some of the UK retailers like master of malt and Whisky exchange. Also you can get shipping direct from the distillery.
A 10-12 year old (depending on what they have available) at 55% will set you back about 40-50 £ plus shipping! and I would recommend getting 2, as you're sure to like it and can save on the shipping a bit.
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
@YakLord I have never been to Canada, so i didn't know. Lucky. It's a great bottle. :)
10 years ago 3Who liked this?
@Jules - Macallan Cask Strength would be a perfect compliment to the Glenfarclas 15 and Aberlour A'Bunadh; complete the hat trick while you can; Macallan Cask Strength has been discontinued.
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
For pure sherry indulgence may I suggest the recent Glendronach Cask Strength Batch 001, 002 & 003. Excellent examples of sherry done well.
You may also add to that the Amrut Intermediate Sherry if you like. Probably the most distinct sherried whisky out there. It may not qualify as a 'bomb' but is quite tasty nonetheless.
Good luck and let us know what you find!
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
For another exotic kick in the sherry nuts you must try the Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry - this one is a monster to tame all monsters!
10 years ago 1Who liked this?
@OCeallaigh said, "I have never been to Canada, so i didn't know."
Too sheltered, you are. You really must get out more. Great place and great folks. :-)
10 years ago 3Who liked this?
I have recently bought & really gotten to love Glenfarclas 15, Aberlour A'Bunadh and GlenDronach 15 Revival - now looking for a fourth well-sherried dram. What would you recommend (within reason, ie. for under 150$) ?
All suggestions welcome !