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Bowmore Legend

Not bad

0 287

@CunundrumReview by @Cunundrum

24th Oct 2015


Bowmore Legend
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
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I was pleasantly surprised with a bottle I picked up for camping with friends. Went back and the store was sold out. Went to another store grabbed a bottle and it wasn't as good. Batches vary evidently. Costs $30 in my state. Good deal. Flavor is fairly complex with caramel, nougat, and hint of high quality peat. Second bottle not as complex with sour alcohol mustiness that was not impressive. First bottle was nice with no cheap alcohol spoilage and very little E150a. Paler color as well. If Legend always tasted that good it would stay in my cabinet. The second bottle got vatted with a better higher ABV malt to pull it up a bit. I am rating the first bottle.

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Cunundrum commented

Sorry ABV was 40 not 43. Damn that first bottle was tasty for the price!

8 years ago 0

Cunundrum commented

As Elvis Costello sings, "accidents will happen." Thanks to Bowmore for getting it right (by accident?). Ha! Maybe so. I used to love your whisky in the early 2000s. Higher offerings used to be really good. I tasted an old malt cask bottled in 2000 at a friends house last winter. It blew me away. Fantastic stuff. Made me long for the good ole days when this distillery shone like a beacon of quality and brilliance

8 years ago 1Who liked this?