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Cabinet and History in alphabetical order

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Appadurai started a discussion

@Jean-Luc Is it possible to add a functionality to make us able to sort our Cabinet and History in alphabetical order? It would be great as our whisky cabinets and historys are growing.

12 years ago

14 replies


I'd also like to find a way to "delete" bottles from the cabinet. If there's a way to do that I haven't found it. I'd be much more interested in a "current cabinet" because some expressions go away (for whatever reason) never to return.

12 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

@two-bit-cowboy, when you put your cursor over a bottle in the cabinet, you should see a black downward pointing arrow and a red 'X' to the right of the bottle listing. Click on the red 'X' to delete the bottle. The drop down arrow allows you to move the bottle between the cabinet, wishlist, and history.

12 years ago 0

CognacFan replied

I would say yes to a way to sort our cabinet.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

maltster replied

Sorting the Cabinet would be great to have a better overview - why don't you create something like a shelf similar to the Appleshelf they use for magazineapps...

12 years ago 0

Shrike replied

I think it would be helpful if updating the cabinet updates the history at the same time - I like to keep both up to date, and it takes a little bit more time to enter all the details twice

12 years ago 0

systemdown replied

@Shrike Do you mean you'd like to be able to add the same whisky to your cabinet AND history at the same time?

12 years ago 0

Shrike replied

@systemdown Kind of. If you buy a whisky and add it to you cabinet it stands to reason you will also drink that whisky some time down the line. A sort of one-way thing. Maybe done as a tick box to also add to history when trying to add a precious new bottle to your cabinet

12 years ago 0

Appadurai replied

No need to change the hole setup, I just need an option to organice in alphabetical order. I like that the once you have in your cabinet don't also display in omce history and vice versa. My cabinet contains the bottles i own, both opened and sealed, and my history contains bottles I have emptied or tasted from others.

12 years ago 2Who liked this?


@Pudge72 Thanks for that! Time for a little house (cabinet) cleaning.

12 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

@two-bit-cowboy, you're welcome...happy housecleaning!

12 years ago 0


@Pudge72 Went quickly. Thanks again.

12 years ago 0

Nock replied

I agree that it would be nice to organize you cabinet in ways you wish them to be displayed. That could be alphabetically, order of preference, order of how you have rated them, etc.

I also agree that it would be nice to differentiate between open bottles in your cabinet and unopened bottles. Perhaps another category in addition to "cabinet" "history" and "wish list" such as "cellar" or "vault" to indicate unopened bottles?

12 years ago 2Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

Hi folks, thanks for the suggestions. This idea is on our radar but the update isn't as simple as it seems on the face of it, so will require careful planning and some time to get it right.

We do hope to include this on a future release of the site as well as other functionality and features updates we have planned.

12 years ago 4Who liked this?

misslauren replied

@Nock Good suggestions! That being said, I do like seeing bottles in the order that they've been added to the cabinet, as seems to be the current practice - gives me a sense of what someone has just begun exploring and which bottles they're more knowledgeable about. Along those lines, is there any possibility of showing the date that a bottle was first added to the cabinet?

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

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