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Dalmore Valour

Great Courage

3 177

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

23rd Aug 2017


Dalmore Valour
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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In 2015 the Dalmore Valour was introduced in the duty free range in Qatar (of all places), to be further offered in other airports and finally in regular retail stores. You can still find it today for 55 to 60 EUR. And while the label proudly mentioned the Matusalem oloroso sherry butts, this is not the whole story. Insiders know that the whisky – which comes with no age statement – was married with bourbon matured Dalmore and later given a finish in port pipes.

The nose is creamy and sweet. Loads of butterscotch and honey, but also clear hints of the port wine, giving it some extra sweetness. Some mildly rotting oranges… Aside from that, it also wears a dusty jacket with a mildly herbal touch that I cannot quite pinpoint. I have to say, this is okay, but I am far from overwhelmed.

The arrival is soft and a bit oily, but there is certainly no explosion of taste. Rather flat on sweet malt and caramel with a light touch of port. Little influence of the sherry casks, truth be told. Maybe I should take another sip and be patient… (wait for it, wait for it…). Nope, nothing is happening.

Worse, it turns a bit bitter and the oak is dominant in the medium long finish.

Valour means ‘great courage’. You certainly need this to spend 65 EUR for this. The nicest thing about this whisky is the color, but then you’ve said it all. A bit boring. Nevertheless, thanks for the sample, Andy.

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Frost commented

Thank you for the review. I've seen this one in various Travel Retail outlets in S.E.Asia and have passed on it. Glad I did.

7 years ago 0