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Dimple 'Pinch' Blended Whisky: 1970's Bottling

A Blast from the Past

5 088

@RianCReview by @RianC

13th Mar 2023


Dimple 'Pinch' Blended Whisky: 1970's Bottling
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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  • Brand: Dimple
  • ABV: 40%

I just poured a wee dram of this old blend to whet my whistle, as it were, before attempting a review on a malt. So, why not warm up my reviewing skills while I'm at it and do this lovely old bottle some justice too?

I believe this particular Dimple went under the moniker of Pinch in the USA, but is simply known as Dimple here in the UK, and was quite popular at the time this was bottled - a step up from the standard Haig blend of that time.

Bottle has been open a few months now with half a bottle remaining. Review is neat.

Nose - glorious! Seriously! For a blend, it leaps out of the glass and there is no detectable grain presence. Off to a good start ... Big whack of oranges - juice, peel and oils and some old, musty raisins are the big notes, with a slight chalky, mineral note too. A little diesel/workshop and 'oily rag' is in there, and a faint whiff of peat. Not overly complex but very, very good.

Taste - oranges (again!), waxy hints, raisins and more background industrial notes. Is this a Campbeltown blend? It's a blend so it's all arrival, really, with some sour and mechanical notes as it develops.

Finish - med. More orange, peat and delightfully restrained tannins.

I mean, considering these are practically given away at auction, one should make a point of stocking up while one can! The industrial notes surprised me and really go with the heavy orange notes. Did I mention this had a smidge of orange about it? Like all the old blends I try, OBE must have an effect and here it has worked wonders. I suspect the grain gets toned down and merged further into the malt content as it slumbers for decades in the bottle. The nose is the stand out feature and would give many a modern malt a run for its money.

Seriously, if you ever see one, get it, if you can! If you like oranges, that is ...