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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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I wouldn't advise to NOT drink something because of the price... but I WOULD say, save 'em. Open them on a special occasion or something. If you never drink it, it's a waste of your money AND a great whisky.
12 years ago 4Who liked this?
With my nicer bottles, I don't mind saving them, at this point, I am sure there will be great occasions on which to splurge and open one up. Its nice to have a stock that you can appreciate over time. With that said, there are no bottles that I don't plan on opening at some point. All the bottles I have were acquired with the intent to consume. Some just sooner than later.
12 years ago 1Who liked this?
I drink and open everything regardless of special occasions. My favourite liquors (vastly more experience ith cognac) is relatively inexpensive. I put little at the moment in v expensive bottles (>100 EUR and thats special). When I want to save something I work in a lab so i can put my samples under an inert atmosphere so I see no reason to save a whole bottle (i.e. > 100ml).
12 years ago 0
Drink! I do agree with saving more expensive bottles for special occasions though.
12 years ago 0
Prioritise some of the more uncommon bottles ahead of similar ones taste/nose wise, which allows you to leave some unopened with a clear conscience
12 years ago 0
I have a couple on display - my Auchentoshan Collection for example - but I do plan to finish them off before leaving this world for the Whisky Walhalla. So it's a combination of both for me.
12 years ago 1Who liked this?
For me, it's simple. There are bottles for collection (HP Earl Magnus) and the rest to drink. If it is clear that, at the very start, it is for collecting than it is easier to see it on the shelf at home year after year.
12 years ago 0
I'd usually say drink, but I have a 30 year old single cask (176 bottles limited edition) distilled at Tormore in 1980, wich is my year of birth. It's bottled in 2010 and i've got it as a 30-years birthdaypresent.
This one got (for me) some additional value so I've decided to save it until my 50:th birthday in 2030. So just as markjedi1 said above, it's a combination of boot for me too.
12 years ago 0
I have been collecting Whisky for a good few years and was very proud to say that 'Whisky is for drinking' and you would not find an unopened bottle on my shelf...But as the years have gone on and I gathered more and more whiskies, some given as gifts and some that I feel are too expensive to open, I am now wondering how I move forward.. what would you do...Open them up regardless, keep some and open some..!! Trouble is, i get to buy whiskies now and know that i just won't open them and thats sad....