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Famous people's fav whisky?

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markjedi1 started a discussion

Today, I had lunch with one of my favourite childhood heroes: Dirk Benedict (Starbuck in the original Battlestar Galactica and Face in the original A-Team). His favourite whisky is Lagavulin 16 Year Old, but I had him taste quite a few other drams. He was especially drawn to the Japanese whisky Hakushu Heavily Peated. Anybody else know about any famous people's fav whisky?

13 years ago

30 replies

drinix replied

The word is Winston Churchill drank JW Black & Soda. It's the only one I know :p...

13 years ago 0

Eirikur replied

According to this link: www.hankeybannister.com/global/heritage/

Prince Regent William IV, the Dukes of Norfolk and Queensberry and ex Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill all Enjoyed Hankey Bannister Blended Scotch.

I prefer the Original :)

13 years ago 0

MacBaker62 replied

It's been said that Johnny Depp is a teetotaler, but has been known to order a dram of Lagavulin 16 just so he can nose it.

It's also been mentioned on the Spencerfield Spirts website, that Kiefer Sutherland is a fan of their Sheep Dip blend.

13 years ago 0

JeffC replied

Christopher Hitchens drinks JW Black Label, check it out. Iraqi Baath Party and former Libyan Govt support don't exactly make a favorable impression though.


13 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

@JeffC...another JW Black Label fan (on the rocks) is Christina Hendricks (Joanie, the red-headed secretary in Mad Men).

13 years ago 0


@markjedi1 Lunch and whisky tasting with Face- how on earth did you swing that??!!! Good work...

Scottish songstress KT Tunstall is I believe partial to Talisker. Queen Victoria was a big fan of Lochnagar, which is why it now has the pre-fix Royal. I wonder which single malt Mr T favours? For instance, "I pity the fool, who don't drink Glenfarclas"?

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

markjedi1 replied

@smokeybarrels Sci-Fi Convention in Belgium where I work as guest supervisor. I met Charisma Carpenter, Dina Meyer, Edward Furlong, Julian Glover, Dirk Benedict and Tom Felton. This was my 11th year working at this show and I've met quite a few celebrities this way. But it's the first time I find out that one of them loves Scotch too.

13 years ago 0

OCeallaigh replied

I think George Clooney drinks Glenfiddich... I only base that on the fact that in all of his movies a bottle makes an appearance somewhere...

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Peatpete replied

@markjedi1 You lucky bastard! I have been a huge fan of Dina Meyer since Dragonheart.

13 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

@Peatpete Check the photos on my FACEBOOK profile and you'll see just how lucky I am :)

13 years ago 0

MacBaker62 replied

Found a few more famous whisky drinkers.....

Winston Churchill, politician, preferred poison: Johnnie Walker Red Dean Martin, singer, preferred poison: J&B Scotch Frank Sinatra, singer, preferred poison: Jack Daniels (he was supposedly buried with a bottle!) Kid Rock, singer, preferred poison: Jim Beam David Lee Roth, Singer, preferred poison: Jack Daniels Hunter S. Thompson, writer, preferred poison: Chivas Regal Stephen King, writer, preferred poison: Cutty Sark

Back in 2006, when Sir Sean Connery was given The AFI (American Film Institute) Life Achievement Award, he was presented a bottle of Laphroaig 40 year old! Now, I don't know if this is his preferred brand, but I'm betting he drank it!

13 years ago 2Who liked this?

rwbenjey replied

Cary Grant was obsessed with Black & White blended scotch whisky...at least he was in Father Goose ; )

13 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

@rwbenjey...Father Goose is one of a bunch of Cary Grant movies that I would gladly watch if it comes on TV. Now I'll have to re-watch it for the whisky's appearence (I haven't seen the movie in years)!! :)

13 years ago 0

Harrison Ford - Bruichladdich (apparently)

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

rwbenjey replied

@Pudge72 › Such an awesome movie! I found a brand new DVD at one of the local pawn shops for $2...took all but two seconds to throw it in the cart : )

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Mantisking replied

@michaelmaloney -- You saw that picture at the Bruichladdich tasting too?

13 years ago 0

@Mantisking No, I read online about him selecting a 40yr Bruichladdich for his character in a movie. Thought it might be Hollywood nonsense. Have you seen evidence?

13 years ago 0

Mantisking replied

@michaelmaloney -- Saw a picture at a Bruichladdich tasting Friday night that was signed by HF. Can't remember exactly what was written in the note.

13 years ago 0

@Mantisking If it is good enough for Indiana Jones then it is good enough for me.

13 years ago 0


@michaelmaloney The film where he has a penchant for The Bruichladdich 40yo is Morning Glory. I know nothing about the whisky but I hope it is more palletable than the film, which really leaves a bad taste..

13 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

@Mantisking There is a limited edition of 424 bottles of Bruichladdich Valinch that has an image of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones on the label, that is signed thus: 'For the Laddies at Bruichladdich, I like your work. Harrison Ford'. In Indiana Jones lettering, the label says 'Temple of the Drams'.

13 years ago 0

Mantisking replied

@markjedi1 -- That would be the note I saw.

13 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

I got back recently from a month in Scotland and England and I saw pictures of Prince Charles in the Old Pulteney visitor centre enjoying a dram. I'm sure I also saw his mug doing likewise at Laphroaig with a caption telling them to keep up the good work. I think it was Laphroaig, but it could have been Ardbeg.

13 years ago 0

MacBaker62 replied

@BlueNote It was most likely Laphroaig.

Prince Charles gave Laphroaig permission to use his royal warrant, which is a good indicator that he likes their whisky. His royal warrant appears on all bottles from Laphroaig.

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Abunadhman replied

I ran into Lee Marvin on the game fishing wharf in Cairns, in about 1964. He had a case of the std. Bushmills on each shoulder. "How long are you out for Lee, a month?" > "I wish, just a week!!"

13 years ago 1Who liked this?


michaelmaloney wrote:

@Mantisking If it is good enough for Indiana Jones then it is good enough for me.

Ah ha! Exactly what they (whoever "they" are) want you to think.

13 years ago 0

Abunadhman replied

I'm not sure Al Capone qualifies for this discussion, however, it is widely accepted that his favourite Whiskey was Templeton Rye; a far cry from the 'muck' he served-up to the 'punters'.

There are lots of interesting stories of prohibition and what it meant to the Isla distillers: I particularly like the tales of Laphroaig being re-badged as medicine by pharmacists and sold to the more affulent. Capone probably had afinger in that pie,as well!

13 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@markjedi1 I think Starbuck was having you on.... his favourite drink was well aged Ambrosia. Of course, he caused a cylon fighter to crash into a warehouse and destroyed all of it on one planet...

8 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

Haha! That's a good one to 'revive' a 5-year old discussion.

8 years ago 0

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