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Featured bottler: SMWS

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jeanluc started a discussion

Our new featured bottler for this month is SMWS (Scotch Malt Whisky Society). We're delighted to include their latest bottling list (or 'outturn') on the site connosr.com/whisky/bottlers/smws/

14 years ago

14 replies

rhavers replied

I rarely drink anything other than SMWS bottles...superb!

14 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@rhavers What's your favourite bottling?

14 years ago 0

rhavers replied

Currently a 35.29, described as 'explosive impact with after tremors'. It;s a Speyside from Elgin

14 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@rhavers I've got a beautiful sherried SMWS bottling from Yamazaki - no. 119.10 - the closest thing I can compare it to is Aberlour a'bunadh. Looking forward to tasting some of the bottles on the new list.

14 years ago 0

rhavers replied

I tried that at Christmas time at my brother in laws. . .it didn't float my boat!

14 years ago 0

yossiyitzak replied

Can you get these bottle at a retail shop or do you need to be part of the society?

14 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@yossiyitzak You need to be a members to buy a bottle.

14 years ago 0

yossiyitzak replied

Thanks @Jean-Luc. So, is it really worth it? it's $229 to join here in the US then $60 for each additional year. Are the bottle expensive? I imagine some are less expensive then others...

14 years ago 0

rhavers replied

Bottles here in the UK start at around £40 and then move on up with most being between £40 and £60. Worth it? For me I've stopped drinking almost everything else. Living in Scotland I also have the advantage of using the club in Leith which is brilliant!

14 years ago 0


I've used all of the SMWS members rooms now and they all have their unique characteristics. My favourite is - of course - The Vaults in Leith, which I visit whenever I can get to Edinburgh (not often enough mind you). They have started partnerships with some hotels in Brighton, Birmingham and Aberdeen to sell some society bottlings over their bars but that hasn't reached Leeds yet. Mind you, if it did, I wonder if my wallet or my liver could take it? Looking to go to a tasting in Manchester at the end of September tho'. :o)

13 years ago 0

WhiskyNotes replied

Jean-Luc, no offence, but how many more months will SMWS be the featured bottler "this month"? Their bottlings are often very good by the way, but due to their member system, it's pretty hard to get them outside of the UK.

13 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Hi @WhiskyNotes This is an old discussion which was brought to the top of the pile when @tommeiklejohn posted a reply - rather than being a fresh announcement.

SMWS are currently the featured profile though.

13 years ago 0

cowfish replied

@Jean-Luc Do you have any more featured profiles in the wings?

I think that @WhiskyNotes was more commenting that it did originally look like the featured profile thing was going to be monthly (you do say 'for this month' in the post at the top of this admittedly old thread), but so far the SMWS is the only profile that has been featured in the 7 months since you started doing it.

13 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Yes we have lots if exciting things coming up.

13 years ago 1Who liked this?