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George T Stagg bottled 2013

Over pancakes, please...

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@OnibubbaReview by @Onibubba

2nd Oct 2013


George T Stagg bottled 2013
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This year's GTS was released with a lower abv than last year's, but still clocks in at a respectable 128.2 proof. Still dark and intense looking in the bottle. I can wait no longer. Let's see how it goes down.

It has a great nose, that's for sure. First, I get syrup coming up behind the heat. This evolves into toasted coconut and chess pie (a southern treat).

First sip is spicy, with a slight burn. Next sip, I like to hold in my mouth for a while and slowly swish it around. Nice. Butterscotch. Pralines and peanut brittle. Mouthfeel is rich and thick, like watered down syrup.

Finish is a long, slow burn. It ends with maybe a touch too much bitterness or maybe a slight sour after taste, but that is easily remidied by another quick sip.

When i finish my glass, I am thinking breakfast: Pancakes or french toast drizzled with warm butter and lots of syrup. And bacon. It's a good feeling.

How does this compare with last year's batch? Well, I don't have a side by side, just my notes. It is still a surprisingly sippable high proof devil of a whiskey. I think it falls just a tad short in the finish, but that is just being picky. It is an excellent drink, and I think if you are a fan of GTS you will not be disappointed in this new batch.

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BourbonHunter commented

Thanks for the review. I have not opened a bottle of the '13 yet, but will with the holiday celebrations coming up. I am looking forward to it.

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