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Glen Orrin 30 Year Blended Whisky

Presenting…the Keanu

0 670

@FrostReview by @Frost

6th Oct 2017


Glen Orrin 30 Year Blended Whisky
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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  • Brand: Glen Orrin
  • ABV: 40%

This is a blended whisky sold by the supermarket chain Aldi. A friend of mine was blown away by the price for the age (he, not concerned to differentiate between blends and malts), so I coughed up 50% of the cost and we walked out with the bottle.

Nose: Floral, grassy

Taste: Oak, bitter, orange peel, watery

Finish: Mouth drying, oak

More wood in delivery than Keanu Reeves.

Just what you want to avoid: thin, overly oaked, bitter and watery. It’s definitely under powered at 40%. I suspect someone is passing off some tired old casks. Ah, ‘experienced’ is a term thrown around in these parts.

Yeah, a lot of oak here.

I'm going to speculate that the person from Aldi responsible for sourcing the supplier is not a whisky drinker and was swayed on the price and age alone.


MadSingleMalt commented

Or perhaps, Ron Jeremy? :)

So is this thing suffering from too much oak, or not enough good oak, or just a bad quality oak, or ... ?

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Frost commented

Good question, I'd say that it has too much bad oak (it's bitter). And being one dimensional in delivery it has a lack of balance.

7 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

@MadSingleMalt Ron Jeremy? You're showing your age there brother. wink

7 years ago 0

Pete1969 commented

I am currently drinking the Glen Marnoch 28 year single malt from Aldi, bought last Xmas for £40.

Have to say it's not bad at all Speyside sherry cask matured at just over 43% ABV and not over Oaked. Always held off on the blends as sometimes find the grain element is the weak part but did get the Asda Tasgall 25 and 30 last year when they reduced it in January £20 and £25 not the best blend in the world but for that money was more than good value.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

These are useful reviews...people vary in what they like but most often bad whisky is just BAD whisky.

7 years ago 0

paddockjudge commented

...or perhaps Pinnochio's girlfriend.

@Frost, I get your description of bitter oak from experienced casks. The sweet parts of the wood have previously been given away and any wine based finish or bourbon based finish that might have been present is now exhausted...then again, a little lie now and then...

7 years ago 0