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Glenfiddich Experimental Series #4 Fire & Cane


3 885

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

6th Nov 2018


Glenfiddich Experimental Series #4 Fire & Cane
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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The most recent release in the Experimental Series (already available in some market, but in Belgium only from January 2019 forward, unfortunately) is this Glenfiddich Fire & Cane. It is a very atypical Glenfiddich – so perfect for this series, eh? – because daringly peated. With its 8ppm (hence the ‘Fire’) this makes for a smoky Glenfiddich. The ‘Cane’ refers to the rum casks on which this Glenfiddich – after regular maturation on bourbon cask – was finished. I was able to try it at a fantastic Glenfiddich Experimental Series Tasting Experience in Brussels on the 17th October and was very pleasantly surprised.

The nose starts very sweet on barley sugars, juicy peach, dried apricots, tinned pineapple and green banana. Then some bresilliene nuts and baked pear, soft spices from the wood and… there it is: a delicate smokiness with a salty note. Exotic and atypical and delicious.

Wonderfully creamy and full-bodied, immediately sweet and spicy (toffee, baked pears, apples with cinnamon and cloves) in a smoky jacket. Yes, you can taste the rum notes. This is nicely balance and a very good combination.

The finish takes me to a dying camp fire, where I slurp some hot mocha with a piece of toffee. The spices linger the longest: nutmeg, pepper and cloves.

Not exactly what you would expect from Glenfiddich. A peaty Glenfiddich on rum cask: doesn’t have to get much crazier than this. But when it’s this good, you can only call it a successful experiment. This bottle will lighten up many a cold winter’s evening.

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BlueNote commented

@MadSingleMalt Yeah, it sounds good. I'll probably get one.

5 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

@markjedi1 Thanks for the review. It's a pity they didn't do it at 47% ABV like the Project XX which I like quite a lot.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

markjedi1 commented

@BlueNote Same here. The XX is my favorit of the series so far.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

cricklewood commented

@markjedi1 I am happy to get your perspective on this whisky, you seem to indicate the peat is less present on the nose than the palate. What would you compare to peat levels too?

I definitely want to try it considering it will help satisfy a long term curiosity of what Peated Glenfiddich tastes like, although I would have preferred if they made it more in the style of the more common expressions and used sherry & bourbon casks.

This series is interesting thus far, I too enjoyed the XX the most, it certainly has paid off for Glenfiddich,I hope the further editions won't rely solely on cask finish though.

5 years ago 0

markjedi1 commented

@cricklewood Hard to say. I would compare it (peat level only!) to Glenglassaugh Torfa or The Peat Monster by Compass Box. Certainly not in your face, far from it.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

I was considering getting one of these and you just sold me. I'll officially be on the lookout.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

markjedi1 commented

@casualtorture Enjoy! You'll not be disappointed.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?