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How did you spend your Covid time?

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PeterG7 started a discussion

Welcome to Ontario. We couldn't travel! We couldn't shop except for essentials! We couldn't entertain! We were told to stay home. The government published a list of what was allowed. Home improvements were permitted, provided they had started before we went into lockdown. (We went into so many lockdowns we lost count) They had. So, we slowly moved ahead and built a bar/game room. Only took 7 months. There were challenges, getting the electrician and the contractor booked. We got that done and then we had to get the building materials through curbside pick-up. Lucky for us contractors drive big trucks. Still waiting on the pinball machine. Hopefully, next week.

3 years ago

24 replies

Timp replied

@PeterG7 nice room and furnishings, and a great idea to do something as productive as this during these strange times.

Always wanted a pinball machine and a games room to stick it in, so very jealous and you must post a pic up when you have it in place.

Sadly nothing quite so constructive done in our small house, but hey ho made it through just about. Lol. Hope you have lots of fun in your new room. Cheers.

3 years ago 4Who liked this?

PeterG7 replied

@Timp It was a lot of fun watching it all come together. If your interested utube the F14 Tomcat pinball machine. That's the one we are getting. Game came out in 87. It is wickedly fast. The XMan arcade has 8000 games. Our kids were born in the mid 80's and are now reliving their youth. They are just as competitive now as they were in their teens.

3 years ago 4Who liked this?

Timp replied

@PeterG7 just checked it out and wow, what a beautiful machine!

With 8000 games on the XMen arcade countless hours off fun and competition too. What a Dad you are and will no doubt guarantee lots of visits from your children!

3 years ago 3Who liked this?

Nozinan replied


I spent my covid time working. At first mostly from home, now mostly in other people's homes like before, with a few modifications.

Recently I've been doing vaccine clinics in my spare time. Lots of fun. Everyone is happy.

3 years ago 8Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@PeterG7 - Awesome room! Well done! I really like it!

For me, among other things, I improved my cocktail game. Since I was working from home, I didn't have my normal hour to hour and a half commute each way everyday. Instead of getting off work at 5pm, but not getting home until between 6 and 6:30pm, I was able to have a cocktail hour. :-)

3 years ago 4Who liked this?


I worked a lot. Working from home is nice and all as far as no commute, but we work a lot more hours at home than we did in the office. It's like they think we're at home all the time so we are also at work all the time. I miss the office (I think I'm one of the few that misses the office).

Also started studying for the GMAT exam I'll be taking in September this year. MBA is on the horizon, and hopefully I'll go from plugging numbers into excel for 10 hours a day to something more qualitative and meaningful (and higher paying).

I also have a really big garden now. I tilled up most of our backyard and am growing okra, squash, thai peppers, bell peppers, jalepeno peppers, luffa, cucumber, tomatos, basil, lettuce, chard, beans...I think that's it. But lot's of okra. I love okra. Like, 15 okra plants this year.

3 years ago 7Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@casualtorture - I grew up Texas. I love (and miss) okra. May need to plant some myself. The thought never crossed my mind. Thanks for the idea / inspiration!

3 years ago 5Who liked this?

PeterG7 replied

@casualtorture As soon as the snow melted we also got out into the garden and planted flowers. Gardening is a perfect way to relieve stress.

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@casualtorture, @PeterG7, time spent in the garden is rewarding and calming. I live up north, way up north. Growing zone is 3b - 4b and hardiness is 39 - 46. Our last frost, yes frost! is late May/earlyJune....first butterfly in July. Strawberries are abundant this year and peppers are ahead of schedule, small, but abundant. Pollinators have been lacking and I've been improvising. I have six small garden beds in the backyard. They are planted with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, peas, and strawberries. Looking forward to good yields this year.

3 years ago 8Who liked this?

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RianC replied

@PeterG7 - very cool room, nice one! Love the 19th hole picture and the chairs, and the sliding door looks cool too.

As for lockdown, I was furloughed but with a baby and a toddler to look after, and with a seriously dodgy hip, we didn't get much done home improvement wise. I did re-grout the bathroom at one point though so beat that ha! grin

We are planning to move to a bigger home soon and will need to get some decorating done prior to selling. So I have a list of things to do once my hip gets a little better. She's looked after me so much post op that I won't be free until I've repaid the debt ...

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

After a week away from the toss-back unit (that could also be a whisky term) I got back into it….happy to report that all moving parts are working as well as can be expected….my velocity is up having not thrown for seven days wink

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

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BlueNote replied

@paddockjudge Pretty tight strike zone.

3 years ago 2Who liked this?


@paddockjudge that is way up there. I'm surprised you have enough time to grow peppers, mine I usually plant in late April after last frost, and am just now getting peppers in July! I'm in zone 7a so we shouldn't get a frost until October 28th. My relatives in Iowa wanted me to move there and I told them I couldn't because the growing season isn't long enough for okra haha

3 years ago 3Who liked this?


@bwmccoy It's super easy to grow, it will grow in poor soil. The hardest thing if you don't live in a warm climate is that it does best when it's hot and needs a long growing season.

3 years ago 2Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@BlueNote, there's no forgiveness in this league. When off target by just a bit some quick hustle is required. Interesting fact, it's more fun playing bare handed.

3 years ago 2Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@casualtorture, I planted seedlings after the Memorial Day weekend. We had a week of mid 80F to low 90F followed by two weeks of mostly rain and cooler temps. Last year I planted from seed and experienced mixed results. I planted three times, the birds and chipmunks were not at all cooperative. Tomatoes are out of control and squash are slowly smothering a corner of the yard. It has been a good growing year...thus far.

3 years ago 5Who liked this?

BlueNote replied

@paddockjudge Bare handed? Jeez, you'll be playing cricket next. wink

3 years ago 3Who liked this?

bwmccoy replied

@casualtorture - Thanks! I'll have to experiment. While we've had unusually hot weather here this year (108 degrees F and 112.3 degrees F on consecutive days; June 27th & 28th) and the hot weather started earlier this year in June which is normally a cool and rainy month, I'm not sure I would consider our area to have a long growing season.

3 years ago 3Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@BlueNote, I've wanted to try cricket for a very long time, because of the similarities, and it looks cool.

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

BlueNote replied

@paddockjudge And you get tea and watercress sandwiches between innings.

I wonder if TSN could do Cricket in Thirty for games that go on for days.

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

SARS rations on 4/4/2020. Whisky was moved into the bunker to make room for canned food and dry goods. Difficult times call for difficult measures.

I’ve since reclaimed most of the space as we hopefully move back to a more normal existence.

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

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Victor replied

@paddockjudge in a true survival situation you'd get a full day's calories out of each of your hundreds of bottles of whiski on hand. Not that it would be very prudent to make that your sole diet, of course.

3 years ago 6Who liked this?

paddockjudge replied

@Victor, but what a way to go! tumbler_glass tumbler_glass

3 years ago 4Who liked this?

BlueNote replied

@paddockjudge that looks like our last Costco order. You are well set for booze and food in the event of a long siege.

3 years ago 2Who liked this?

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