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Kavalan Concertmaster Port Cask Finish

Big start to a DRY end!

3 1679

@murrayaitkenReview by @murrayaitken

24th Oct 2017


Kavalan Concertmaster Port Cask Finish
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Colour: light brown with red. Nose: At first smell to me it’s sawdust or burnt wood (light), that smell you get when you drill through wood then it eases to be more like fresh oak wood chips, then some cake spices like allspice come out. The port is obvious though.  Palate: Big start like diluted honey, but it moves away fast mid-palate with brown sugar or candy but that also doesn’t last long. Finish: Longer finish, with more spices, tobacco and berries mixed taking you back to the characteristics in the nose. A pleasant whisky, to me very enjoyable but a bit forgettable, the nose and first half of the palate are the best for me, it fades away fast but mildly lingers long and DRY (seems like a trademark of Kavalan).

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Victor commented

@murrayaitken, thanks for your nice review. Of 5 Kavalans I have tried, the Concertmaster is the only one I actively dislike. It is a rare Port finish whisky that I will dislike. There has been something off in the samples from two or three different bottles of Concertmaster I have tried. Your descriptor of a tobacco note may be close to what I find that I don't like about it. The disharmony does not appear to be about sulphur. For me the resounding effect is a big, "No! Not another dram of that!".

6 years ago 2Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Victor Is tobacco a note you generally dislike. It is one I crave for.

6 years ago 2Who liked this?

Victor commented

@Robert99, yes I would say as a general rule that I do not like the tobacco flavour in whisk(e)y. I think that it is pretty well-established that you and I like some very different things in whisky, my friend. Some of the flavours I like I rarely find, like sweet orange and banana.

And about maple, sometimes oakwood, especially new or second use oakwood, gives off some distinctly maple-tasting flavours. I see maple flavours in some Canadian and in some US whiskies. Did I serve you from my bottle of Woodford Reserve Masters Collection Maple Wood Finish while you were down here? Probably not. You probably would not have wanted any. That one came out in about 2011 and Woodford succeeded making maple-wood cooperage which they used for finishing a bourbon. It is maple-y, very maple-y.

I think that beaver, moose, loon, or goose would make a great special Canadian whisky gimmick, "9.09% BEAVER DRIPPINGS". The meat could be roasted and the drippings included, like Del Maguey Pechuga Mezcal, which incorporates roasting chicken drippings. Very Canadian.

6 years ago 5Who liked this?

murrayaitken commented

@Victor thanks for the input, although I did find it enjoyable (diluted) I'm leaning towards you more and more on this. Tonight I tried it both neat and diluted (using one large ice square), of course neat gave me the better review. I couldn't place the annoyance I kept getting and after a bit I agreed it was in fact tobacco. I'm going off this somewhat, but do usually enjoy a good Port finish. I'm absolutely dying to break open my Kavalan Soloist Vinho Barrique, to see if it really deserved the best in the world award... time will soon tell!

6 years ago 0

Victor commented

@murrayaitken, the Kavalan Vinho Barrique I tried was excellent. I hope that yours is too.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

murrayaitken commented

Anticipation now running high...!

6 years ago 0

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Nozinan commented

@Victor "9.09% BEAVER DRIPPINGS"?

Looks like @madsinglemalt has hacked your account.

6 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

@murrayaitken I had a very small taste of the Vinho Barrique which was being doled out very sparingly at a tasting recently. That left me craving a whole lot more. Very tasty. Give us your thoughts when you crack it.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

BlueNote commented

@Nozinan These guys have obviously never eaten beaver.

6 years ago 2Who liked this?

paddockjudge commented

@BlueNote_ I was thinking the same thing.

6 years ago 0

Robert99 commented

@Victor @Nozinan @BlueNote @paddockjudge I bet Collingwood would be the one going for the "9.09% beaver drippings". Wiser's could go for the moose and Gibson for the loon or the goose. And I will add that Glenora would probably go for seal's bacon. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

paddockjudge commented

@Victor_ 9.09% BEAVER DRIPPINGS" now that would be a polarizing dram...beaver tail barrique and a full rack house.

6 years ago 0

Nozinan commented

@paddockjudge not a house, a LODGE

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

murrayaitken commented

@BlueNote I will do, I've had it a year already... it's crying out to me.

6 years ago 0

murrayaitken commented

@Victor not sure about the beavers, but Woodford Reserve is one my favourites. Actually I have two bottles, one on the shelf and one in the fridge. Just the regular one, but I find it's lovely just out the fridge, neat...

6 years ago 1Who liked this?