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Longrow 10 Year Old

Where's the Peat?

0 455

@chrisrbarrettReview by @chrisrbarrett

31st Oct 2010


Longrow 10 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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Verging on colourless, transparent. Nose is lightly peaty (by comparison to a native southern coast Islay), very salty seaweed. Flavour is barely peaty, with some alcohol and unripe appley fruit flavours.

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Sylvain commented

I don't think it's a fait review since whisky changes year after year.

The 2007 was clearly using tired casks while the 2006 edition used quality sherry casks and it's simply among the greatest whiskies out there.

13 years ago 0

Sylvain commented

Fait = Fair... no way to edits our comments? ;-)

13 years ago 0

Ol_Jas commented

Where's the vintage states on these Longrow 10s? I have an open bottle that, as far as I can tell, states no vintage. It's just Longrow 10. I don't even see a bottling code etched anywhere.

For what it's worth, my bottle is a new (2014) purchase that probably sat on the shelf at least a couple years before the wife made it my anniversary gift. It's somewhat peaty, somewhat sweet, and not at all salty. I'm a bit disappointed.

10 years ago 0

Ol_Jas commented


10 years ago 0