OdysseusUnbound started a discussion
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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@OdysseusUnbound, Old Forester Birthday Bourbon is a good one. Would I pay $ 147 Can for it? No, I wouldn't, but many would. It would be a good buy at $ 80 or $ 90 Can. I doubt that you would prefer it to Wild Turkey Rare Breed.
5 years ago 3Who liked this?
@Victor Thank you. Your insight is always invaluable. If I “win” one, I’ll post here in case someone else is interested. Straight cost, I’m not looking to profit from “secondary” market pricing. If there are no takers, I’ll cancel my order.
5 years ago 0
@OdysseusUnbound, if you buy it it would be OK trading fodder, that is, if you lived closer to the Centre of the Known Canadian Universe.
5 years ago 0
@Victor I do travel to the Centre of the Universe, or at least within its orbit, often enough because of my job. Trade fodder might work too, as long as I got reasonably comparable value. That said, I won't count on winning anything just yet. And I'm trying not to buy any whisky right now so I can justify paying the inflated price for this year's Lot 40 Cask Strength if it's ever available.
5 years ago 0
The $149 Cad price tag is a lot cheaper than you would ever see it in the US. Also this lottery is for the 2017 release so this post could fit right in with "How F'd up is the LCBO".
The 2018 was released a few weeks ago in the US and the Bourbon Lemmings are forking out ridiculous money for it. I would just buy the OF 1920 Prohibition but of course that is not available in Ontario.
5 years ago 4Who liked this?
@OdysseusUnbound The discussion you started made me think about what I might have in my cabinet. I took a look and I found an Old Forrester Birthday. Barreled 1999 and bottled in 2011. I probably bought it in 2011 or 12 in Florida. If memory serves me I think I would have paid less than 60$. It's still not opened. I'm still a novice when it comes to US bourbon. Which means I probably bought it because I liked the shape of the bottle.
5 years ago 3Who liked this?
@PeterG7, how about that? You happened into what turned out to be a collectible and later scarce release. Old Forester Birthday Bourbon is their annual "super-premium" release. That doesn't mean that you or anyone else is going to be partial to the Old Forester style, of course. One unpleasant reality about this 8 year ongoing price rise is that it becomes harder and more expensive to get samples of the scarce products, resulting in much reduced opportunities to learn, in advance of expensive purchase, which of them one might actually like and want. Taste is individual and often acquired. As a result many expensive and scarce products will not necessarily please much, especially to a purchaser who is new to them.
Like Islay malt whisky, top tier bourbon is often an acquired taste. Buying it because it is scarce or loved by others (or for the bottle aesthetics) means that it will only sometimes be appreciated by the lightly experienced bourbon drinker.
5 years ago 2Who liked this?
@PeterG7 Probably an excellent trade bottle for a nice SM Scotch.
5 years ago 1Who liked this?
@Astroke, let's not start a bidding war for @PeterG7 's Birthday Bourbon
5 years ago 0
@paddockjudge No need, I am sure I will win at least one bottle in the lottery
5 years ago 0
Well the decision has been made for me. I have struck out as usual on an allocation order. Maybe I’ll have better luck with the BTAC lottery.
5 years ago 1Who liked this?
@OdysseusUnbound yeah, good luck with that. You might as well buy a Lotto Max ticket.
5 years ago 1Who liked this?
If anyone is interested, the allocation for the 2018 Old Forester Birthday Bourbon is up on the LCBO Vintages site. I’m not sure I’d even want one ($147? Ouch!), as I know nothing about this bourbon, but I’ve submitted an “order” anyway. If I “win” the chance to buy one, I’ll post follow-up questions here.