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Online Whisky Tasting

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WhiskyAndMe started a discussion

Just thinking out loud.. would it be possible to taste a certain set of pre decided whiskies on a particular pre decided date.. and review them online with the guys here on Connosr? Or is it just too impractical?

10 years ago

13 replies

YakLord replied

@TrailingTheMalt - It would be possible; it's done on Twitter fairly often (tweet tastings)...it can get difficult if you get too many people involved as schedules conflict (time zones can be a problem, too), and you have to make sure the whisky you've chosen is fairly well distributed so that it can be purchased pretty much anywhere.

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

WhiskyAndMe replied

@YakLord lets see if I get enough responses here and maybe we could experiment.. Would you be in though?

10 years ago 0

YakLord replied

@TrailingTheMalt - I would be in Ontario, Canada...which limits the whiskies available to those carried in the government run liquor stores either here, or just across the river in the province of Quebec (where prices and/or selection vary widely).

10 years ago 0

YakLord replied

@TrailingTheMalt - and yes, I'd be interested...since I forgot to answer that part of the question.

10 years ago 0

WhiskyAndMe replied

@YakLord sure.. I can imagine.. lets see how this goes for a few days before we settle on something..

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

If timing can be sorted out, I'd be interested.

Maybe members in various cities could split the cost of a bottle (ie 6 people could each split a new bottle into 120 cc bottles) in advance.

10 years ago 0

WhiskyAndMe replied

@Nozinan which city are you from? Also didn't get the part on splitting the cost.. how do you propose we work that out?

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


I'm in Toronto. Splitting is easy. Everyone supplies their own glass sample bottle(s). Divide the cost by the number of purchasers. One person buys. The others pay that person back. They get their share of the contents.

I've never tried to do this but I have shared some bottles with others (ie they liked it so I put some in a sample bottle). The only problem is that when I supply the bottles that never come back to be refilled... Hence, everyone supplied their own sample bottles. I can supply the measuring equipment.

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

vanPelt replied

Well I've never participated, but I recently found they do exactly that here: docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv/…

A pretty impressive format, I think. I don't see why exactly the same thing couldn't happen on Connosr... It's probably just a matter of someone motivated enough to take the lead (and of course community participation).

10 years ago 0

Lars replied

I would be interested too, Here in Winnipeg. Let me know how things work out.

10 years ago 0

WhiskyAndMe replied

@vanPelt I like the format.. I believe we can start with 2 - 3 expressions at a time .. like some one mentioned earlier on .. its got to be whiskies that are not too hard find given the fact that we are spread across various geographies.. I'm willing to collate all the date.. and make a similar sheet of our reviews which can be put across as a common database for all Connors users who would like to use it..

10 years ago 0

WhiskyAndMe replied

@Lars ... I'm based in Dubai (UAE) and as I see most of you are from are from Canada which is at the other end of the globe.. so in terms of a time I'm sure majority wins.. you guys can pick a time.. and I'll manage to join in as well.. I suggest we do this on a week end..

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

WhiskyAndMe replied

@Nozinan once again since most of you are from Canada sharing samples shouldn't be too difficult a task.. as for me.. I'll need to find a way to get myself a dram once the line up is finalized.. :)

10 years ago 0

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