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Pe2 Elements of Islay

The successor

0 190

KReview by @Kaspergvalentin

22nd Jul 2010


Pe2 Elements of Islay
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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The original Pe1, has gotten quite a reputation, and the follow up release has been highly anticipated, now with the release of the Pe2, selling out in just around 24 hours, does it live up to the hype?

Nose: A light sherry sweetness, coupled with chocolate notes, good amounts of light wood smoke. It’s got a definite dirty earthiness to it. Quite dry and very easy to nose despite the 59.5 ABV. After a while It gets much clearer and looses this earthy cloudiness, just to reveal a classic sherry character, with perhaps faint hints of fruity freshness behind it all, namely orange peal.

Mouth: Medium richness, coats the mouth nicely, without being a thick gloopy sherry bomb. More or less what you’d expect and hope. Ferocious, but still quite manageable. Other Port Ellens I’ve tried have a tendency to explode on the palate leaving you confused and at a maximum peat level. Not this one though. A nice sherry sweetness, followed by a good amount of dried peat and smoke, a good amount of spices as well, quite peppery, especially towards the end. Keeps growing more and more spicy.

Finish: Burnt wood, tar and a nice peppery finish, the most smoky it’ll get. Finish is quite long a pleasant – not really pallet drying though as is typical with sherry casks. Strong clean finish though.

Comments: What a nice Port Ellen, I’ve always been a bit sceptical about Port Ellens, because I’ve never really though I’ve had one that was worth the high price tags they command, but this is just a really nice whisky. Highly recommended.


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WhiskyNotes commented

Can you explain the differences with Pe1?

14 years ago 0