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Sell or Drink?

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I found a bottle of 1975 Crown Royal and a bottle of 7 Crown (about same age). I don't know if they are still good to drink or if someone might be interested in selling them. What advice is available? Mark (mgwisniewski@yahoo.com)?

11 years ago

4 replies

cpstecroix replied

Drink them...that's what whisky is for :-)

Also, not sure there's much of a market for old Canadian whisky.

11 years ago 0

Victor replied

Expect a probable comment/info, and possible interest from @paddockjudge. Michigan to Ontario is a difficult conveyance, though.

11 years ago 0

systemdown replied

If you're a whisk(e)y drinker I say open them with some friends. If properly sealed (original seal) then they should be perfectly fine to drink. If you don't want to drink them I think you could find a buyer but don't expect collector's prices for them - you'd sell them at drinking prices because that's most likely what the buyer would do with them.

11 years ago 0

JJBriggs replied

Drink, baby.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?