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Shackleton's coming to LCBO?

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Pudge72 started a discussion

Just an FYI / question to those in Ontario, Canada. At the London Food & Wine Show last weekend a gentleman at one of the booths mentioned that (apparently) 60 bottles (10 cases x 6 bottles) of Mackinley's Rare (Shackleton's) Whisky will apparently be coming into the LCBO in 2012.

Can anyone actually confirm this, or was this guy just blowing smoke (supposedly, the price will be north of CAN$200, so I will be taking a pass)? Thanks for any additional insight.

12 years ago

12 replies

tfahey1298 replied

Received my copy of Vintages Classics Collection (Feb 2012) in the mail today. Page 43, "Mackinlay's Rare Old Highland Malt" 750ml, C$255, 60 bottles. If you have a Vintages Direct Sales customer number, you may pre-order by 6:00pm Feb 7. All pre-orders will be filled based on random selection of orders submitted. Orders can be submitted online or by phone (416-365-5767 or 1-800-266-4764). Go to www.vintagesshoponline.com for more information.

Post-deadline general telephone ordering commences Feb 17, 8:30 am. As noted on the How to Orderpage... "not all products will be available by the time telephone ordering begins. Phone orders are filled on a first-com, first-served basis."

Hope this helps...

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

tfahey1298 replied

oops... forgot to mention Vintages only ships orders to LCBO or Vintages retail outlets, so you need to be in Ontario, Canada to order.

12 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

@Pudge72 I'm getting to post a review on Shackleton's Whisky. My wife and I paid $200 aussie for our bottle and while it is a very nice bottle of whisky I have to be honest I don't think I'd ever buy another bottle at $200. At that price we both felt there were other whiskies that might have been more worth the money.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

antihero replied

Absolutely nothing extraordinary here, but circumstance. NEVER would I pay $255. Reviewed for my site a couple months back: www.allthingswhisky.com

I would highly recommend spreading those dollars (if you were considering buying this one) elsewhere. There's a lot you can do with $255.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

WhiskyNotes replied

C$255 (around € 190?) is way too much for what's basically a middle-of-the-road whisky in a special packaging. Don't get me wrong, I love the story and it features some nice old-style elements, but indeed there's better whisky out there for that amount of money. whiskynotes.be/2011/blends/…

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

Pudge72 replied

CAN$255!?!? that's even $5 more than the poster child of overpriced blended whiskies, the infamous JW Blue!! Yikes...for that price, I would rather get an HP 18, Abunadh, and a mini bottle of Talisker 10 for my cabinet. Thank you all for the info and links!

12 years ago 0

cpstecroix replied

I tried this at spirit of Toronto. Meh. At least I can say I've had it...

12 years ago 0

valuewhisky replied

I'll be the dissenting voice here: I really liked Shackleton's whisky. My wife gave it to me for a Christmas gift. It is absolutely true that you could get a "better" bottle of whisky for the price (or less), but if you're looking to splurge and are not worried about value, I think Mackinlay's is worthwhile. It's not just another blend. It's all malt, for one thing, and it really "pops" in the mouth - great flavor and presence. The style of whisky is like Highland Park only bigger and bolder. I thought it was frankly delicious, and even if I wouldn't spend that money on it more than once, I think it's worthwhile for a one-time splurge.

Also I noted repeatedly as I drank though this that about halfway through the glass (i.e. after drinking 30 mL or so), that all of the sudden the finish got huge and awesome. The first few sips are "meh" as some people say, but on continued drinking it shines. So, beware of reviews online as a lot of folks probably just tasted it.

Here is my full review: valuewhisky.blogspot.com/2011/12/…

12 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

@valuewhisky My friend, I don't think it is just a meh whisky, as I don't think most people here think that. The problem with it is the cost. It's a very good whisky, but not $200 worth of good. At that price point I can put my hands on a 40 yr old Speyside that is absolutely brilliant, or a Talisker 25 yr old, or a George T Stagg, etc.

If the price for Shackleton's had been $80 cheaper I do believe it would never leave my cabinet, or it wouldn't until there were no more bottles of it, but at $200 it's just too much to pay.

12 years ago 0

talexander replied

Like @cpstecroix, I too tried it at Spirit of Toronto. If their goal was to replicate a very old-fashioned whisky crafted in 1907, I'm sure they succeeded. I recall it being very rough around the edges, with a big malty palate. I'm glad I tried it, and I'd try it again given the opportunity, but it didn't strike me as worth that price point. Then again, Jim Murray scores it an 89, and @valuewhisky really likes it - so who knows.........

12 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

@talexander well it is a really good whisky, which I happily own, and it has opened up nicely, I believe I wound up giving an 87, but like I said for me the only issue is that price point which is too pricey in my mind. It's a pity because I'd love to be able to snag 3 or 4 bottles, but at that price I can't afford to.

12 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

What @SquidgyAsh said. I have been waffling on buying another bottle, but I agree with him on all counts. Good stuff but hard to justify at that price.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?