The Deveron line of whisky were created as part of a re-vamped single malts portfolio of Bacardi (Dewar's) as part of a larger umbrella, including Royal Brackla, Aberfeldy, Craigellachie & Aultmore they dubbed "The last great malts of Scotland"...I am working hard not to make light of this ostentatious title. If you don't know these whiskys well it is because most of them we're locked in Cinderella like servitude to their master's blends.
Either way I quite like the packaging the green frosted glass bottles inject just enough of a retro dosage and the simple yet colorful label keep it vibrant and modern. It is designed by firm Stranger & Stranger who also handle all Compass box products.
as to the contents
Nose: Juicy fruit gum, fresh cut apples, peaches and cream oatmeal, and almost sulfurous, phenolic side. Fresh buttercups, light green tea and something I can't put my finger on, aloe?? Then the scent finally hits me, skin lotion! It's not bad, almost waxy in a way.
What a pleasant fresh and fun nose, I wasn't expecting this at all.
Palate: It has a bit of bite when it first hits your tongue but then it's quickly gone. Dry oak, old papers, definitely a kind mineral edge, it's a bit like the Craigellachie 13 I tried the week prior. It shifts to vanilla pudding, still a bit if fruits but much less than present than on the nose, a bit of candied lemon peel as well.
Finish: There's not much to talk about, it quickly loses steam, leaving a whisp of oak, lemon and barley.
The Blab: I think this whisky has great character, the nose in particular was fresh and yet wasn't trying to play it easy, there was a pleasant tension there.
Sadly the palate is where things go poorly, it begins with things of interest but then loses momentum. Sure not everything should be served cask strength but this whisky really loses out by being cut to 40% ABV, maybe it's teeth are too sharp when this is dialed up but I think it's more of a cost/ target audience choice since the whole line-up is dished out at the same strength.
I had a hard time scoring this
Let's say a B-/C
Thanks for the review @cricklewood. I've seen this on offer in supermarkets here but had a hunch it would be pretty much as you describe. As you say though, this isn't really bottled for nerds like us
I tried this at the Last Great Malts of Scotland show in 2016. They gave us a minute to nose and taste. It was remarkably forgettable. The cube of smoked salmon that they paired with it was much tastier...