Whisky Connosr
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We've launched a blog

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Connosr started a discussion

From now on this is where we'll keeping up to date with Connosr news. We'll also be sharing interesting stories with you. Let us know what you think. connosr.com/blog/

14 years ago

3 replies

markjedi1 replied

Wonderful, Connosr, thanks!

14 years ago 0


A blog was a good thing to add. I would love to see it evolve towards a number of open channels though. Anyone who hears the call to start a whisky blog should be able to do that here. Blogs started by members within the Connosr layout itself, will add image value to the network. Blogs linked to, might turn Connosr sooner or later into yet another portal. It may start cluttering the clean backbone structure we've got now. Last but not least, maybe some members might start wondering, why don't they link to 'my' blog in the main headers?

14 years ago 0

PeatAndMeat replied

A platform for whisky bloggers down the line, one of your more sensible comments John.

14 years ago 0

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